3 hour film challenge ;-)

8 replies [Last post]
Joined: Sep 4 2007

Ok, so for a bit of fun and a filmmaking excercise, a friend and i thought we would come up with a short comedy idea and produce it in a night (well, from 8pm to 11pm) so this is the result of what you can do in three hours from scratch ;)


be warned though, it is mildly offensive ;-)

try it yourself!

Joined: Jan 13 2007

After seeing your little work. One question. What do you think of it?

Barry Hunter
Joined: Nov 30 2001

Edit wise, nice & tight! Theme, initially good! Spoilt by the punch line!!! Good idea but let down.

Just my personal view.

Barry Hunter videos4all.org

Joined: Sep 4 2007

Well, I guess the idea came about from "What would you say if you could go back in time and talk to yourself?" but that got quickly turned round to "what would you be least likely to say if you could go back in time and talk to yourself" - and the answer we came up with was "well, hurl abuse?" So that was the idea. Cheap shot maybe ;-)
Technically, it's pretty clear these no script, it "sounds" like improv. We had 10 minutes of footage from shooting for an hour, Colour is off on some shots as the cam op - namely me flicked on the nD for the mobile close up, then forgot to remove it for two minutes. I like to think the shots interconnect quite well in the edit, probably could do with a little more pace.
Content wise It makes me laugh, maybe because I have a slightly odd sense of humour, maybe because it's my idea.
It mainly came around because we had spent probably a little too much time talkling about films than actually making them, so we decided to try something in short space of time.

B minus more preparation needed next time?

Joined: Nov 19 2005

lol. a cool use of 3hrs - must commend you on that.

Joined: Mar 8 2007

It made me laugh so It did its job, well done!

Joined: Jan 5 2008

Even though I could tell what was coming, it stilll made me laugh and that's the main thing. I liked the acting after the punchline.

Rob James
Joined: Jun 26 2001

Excellent one-liner! Three hours well spent.

Rob The picture is only there to keep the sound in sync

Mike Pulcinella
Joined: Jan 30 2007

Excellent! Well done! You had me involved right way and the nice tight editing kept me there. I do wish the punch line was a bit bigger but you didn't take forever to get there and I smiled so that's all that matters.