Any STPro users help me out?

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foxvideo's picture
Joined: Sep 9 1999

This one has me beat! - In 14 years of Macs with pro video I've never had a problem I couldn't find a answer for somewhere. Basically, Open Soundtrack Pro, import a file for editing, add an effect (telephone EQ), file plays and sound fine, flatten and Save file > open in QT or FCP and effect is missing.

Tried saving as AIFF and WAV - no difference, save as gives an empty file, the Export option from STP (Audio file function) is also greyed out. Reverted to QT 7.3 with Pacifist - no difference.

Effects do work and export using the Multi-track function!

Tried re-install, delete prefs and all the normal troubleshoot actions. Had nothing back from the Apple STPro forum when I posted this yesterday.

Any ideas to try?

Just to add, tried Save As, Save a Copy and also opened the Temp files from the Flatten command - effects still missing. It's not just the Telephone EQ either, any effect in Space Designer does not save.

Quad G5 2.5, Leopard 10.5.2, QT 7.4.1, STPro 2.0.2

Dave Farrants Fox Video Editing

Joined: Nov 16 2004

Not sure if you have this one solved. STP has given me nothing but grief since I started using it.

Have you tried going to the "Process" menu and then "Render To Action" before saving the file out?

foxvideo's picture
Joined: Sep 9 1999

Simon, Yes tried that. and re-installing, and reverting back to 10.4.11 from 10.5.2, and 101 other things.

First time I've had problems with STPro, I put a post on the STP forum at Apple and there's another user with the same problem so it's a bug of some sort. Very annoying as I use it a lot when finalising an edit :(

Just have to keep trying the updates to see if they can fix it.

Dave Farrants Fox Video Editing