AV MASTER Problems

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Joined: Oct 11 2001

Hi There,

I have a problem setting up my AV Master 98 in my new computer (AMD 1,4 - 500 MB Ram, 40 Gigaby HD, Win98 . It worked just fine on my old one (PII 300, 128 MB Ram, Win98). Maybe it has problems working with such high processor speeds or with the AMD VIA chipset. But I also bought the Creative DVD Encore12x with Mpeg2 card. And maybe there is a conflict there, but I'm not sure. Capturing using Fastcap workes just fine, playback in Fastcap workes also. But editing en rendering in Premiere 5.1 or AfterFX 4.0 will cause the computer to Crash. I am not realy a MediaStudio user, so I would realy want to use the Adobe software if possible. It seems to help if I disable the PCI overlay option and the Hardware render option. But it's still not working as it should. Does anyone know when drivers are released for Windows 2000?

Joined: May 22 2001

Sounds to me that there is a problem with Creative DVD Encore12x with Mpeg2 card. I use the AVM98 on a Pentium 1.7 Ghz. No problems yet. Via Chipset problem? Could be, But first try to disable de DVD with Mpeg2 card in the system properties. If the problem is solved, you know the answer.

Sadly there won't be any Win2000 drivers for the AVM98. So stick to 98 SE.

Joined: Oct 11 2001

Oke, one week further. I tried to disable the DVD Encore Mpeg2 card. First in the system settings, then by just removing the card from my computer. It won't work. The problems keep on going. After reinstalling the Mpeg2 card. I could work with the AVM fine by disableing the hardware rendering, and the video overlay function. But now the Fastcap program won't even benchmark my disks anymore. And fastcap does not see captured avi files. I have to use the playlist to activate and play my avi files. It doesn't make a difference if I reinstall my software drivers. I completely stuck with this one. Does anyone have any suggestions????

Del Coe
Joined: Dec 17 2000

Like you I have just upgraded from P333 to AMD 1.4 with MSI 6380LE motherboard 512 ram.
I have been using AV master for sometime on Windows 98SE but with MSP 5.2 on my old P 333 system.
I too had problems after upgrading but now it is running ok.
I am using Fastcap 2.5 on my new system.
I did have problems originally with reinstalling Fastcap.
Adviseable after a change in motherboard.
Although I had the updgrades from Fastcap 2.1 to 2.2 & 2.5 (for use with wind 98SE)
Only 2.1 would load 2.2 & 2.5 would not load dispite unistalling Fastcap/AV Master.
When I checked Fast`s site support & the old data base I found the correct way to unistall.
There is an entry in the registry which needs removing before you can do a clean reinstall.
I did this and I am using Fastcap 2.5 with MSP 5.2 succesfully on my new system.
I kown you are using Premier but I suspect it is a simliar problem.
Check out the old Q & A database on the Fast site.You could find something relative to Premier.
Hope this helps.