beige g3 w/premiere output problems help!

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Joined: Feb 27 2001

power mac beige G3 300mhz with inbuilt mac video card running premiere 5.1c connected to video with phono to scart lead.
I cannot get this set up to print to tape (VHS) can any one help ??


reply to steven hood:
Thanks for the advice but unfortunately no dropped frames - no picture at all , nothing is recorded on tape except the sound

[This message has been edited by sachab (edited 02 March 2001).]

[This message has been edited by sachab (edited 05 March 2001).]


Joined: Jun 16 1999

Sachab - I have a 266 beige G3 here in the office that I seem to recall could not handle fullscreen (768x576 PAL video) output from the built-in AV card. I had to use a MiroMotion DC30 card. So if dropped frames is the problem then that is the reason I'm afraid. The built-in AV card in the beige G3's was more for multimedia (320x240) use than fullscreen video.

Steven Hood

[ O U T L A W : S D G ]

Steven Hood

Motion Forge