Big trouble with AVMAster

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Joined: Aug 4 2001

Hi, I'm Andrea from Italy, I own an AV Master card and I've just bought a new PC (a PIII1 GHz) based on a VIA 694C AGPset. The AV Master doesn't reproduce any .AVI at all, it stops the reproduction after a second (I've disabled the PCI Burst Master but nothing has changed), can someone help me to solve my problem (if it's possile)? My OS is Windows ME with tre latest drivers for AVM.
When I perform the disk speed test from Fast Cap, the resut is that the reading speed is 2.448 MBs I think that this could be the problem.......HELP ME PLEASE!!
Thanks to everyobdy
Greetings from Italy!

Roger Gunkel
Joined: Jul 31 2001

Does your card capture the video in the first place and then refuse to play it back, or does it not capture at all?
Also are you capturing to the boot disk, or to a second drive?
When you do the benchmark test, what are the read and write speeds for the drives? 2.44mb/s is slow, but if the video has been captured OK it should still play back even if it drops some frames.
Have you enabled DMA for the Hard drives?

Roger Gunkel

Joined: Aug 4 2001

Hi Roger, the card captures the AVI with no problems, I'm capturing and trying to view the AVI's from the secondary disk.
How can I enable/disable the DMA for the disks? From the BIOS or from Windows?
Thanks for your answer, you're very kind!

Joined: May 1 1999

Go to windows...control panel...system...devices...and click on the drives icons and check enable DMA boxes.