Blu-Ray failure CS6

9 replies [Last post]
Joined: Sep 3 2002

Play time  is 23 min.19 sec.

Using Encore CS6 - (1.45GB).  DVD discs have been successfully burnt.

Three Blu-ray (4.31GB) are all failures.
The Encore burn continues until the remaining time indicated is 3 min,39 sec. at 4.04 GB of 4.31 GB.

The error message :

Adobe Error

'Blu-ray Error'  "Device "error" Code "3". Note: Create STc Sequence. Fail to write M25 file".

A translation would be useful!  Any ideas what all this means please.

No problems were shown on the dialog box when checking before Build was used to enable a burn.


Tony Carter
Joined: Oct 15 2000
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

Hi Les,

'Blu-ray Error'  "Device "error" Code "3". Note: Create STc Sequence. Fail to write M25 file".

if you google the above message you will find several similar situations. I expect you can find a solution from one of them.


Joined: Sep 3 2002
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

Did that Tony. "Export from Encore a blu-ray image then burn using Toast" Wherever toast comes from. Appears to be buying Roxio.

Have always been able to burn blu-ray discs, so why not now?


H and M Video
Joined: Jun 5 1999
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

Hi Les

If you use Tony's suggestion and then follow this answer:

Don't burn straight to the Blu-Ray but create an ISO file first then using the programme suggested by Tony, IMGBURN, found here:

then burn the ISO file to disc. This is how I do mine, not that I use Blu-ray often. BTW hope you are keeping well. Toast is a piece of software for burning disc's.


PC Specialist 3Gz Dual Core, Premiere CS3, Encore CS3, After Effects CS3, Matrox RT.X2, Panasonic HD HS-300, Z1E & PMW-EX3 Cams.
Now with a PC Specialist Quad Core i7-3770, 16GB RAM, 180GB SSD, GeForce GTX560 Ti Graphics Card, Blu-Ray & DVD R/W Burners and can't wait to set it up. Now up and running.  What a difference in Blu-Ray footage.

Joined: Aug 5 2003
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

I'd second the use of Imgburn, using it downstream of Edius for DVDs and particularly BluRay production. It's free and can produce the raw iso files ready for DVD and blu-ray burning as well as actually writing to disc from the iso image or the individual files. It detects what you are trying to do and prompts you to accept whether you are writing a DVD or BluRay disc so that all required settings can be made automatically. I find the iso image files are the most convenient for long term archive - just a single file kept for future discs, rather than a set of files in a fixed folder structure.

Tony Carter
Joined: Oct 15 2000
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

Hi Les, both Harry and NigelP have provided a solution to your problem (IMGBURN),  although you may see it as a 'workaround'. I would see it as a change in your procedures.

There are numerous reports on the Adobe Forum of the problem you are experiencing, and it seems that whereas CS6 gives problems, CS5 was ok.

You say that you have written blu-ray disks correctly in the past so I would suggest something must have changed. Have you up-graded from CS5?



Joined: Sep 3 2002
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

I'll answer Tony first.

As far as I'm aware procedures haven't changed.

CS6 has been in use for at least two years; bought when Adobe announced changing their future financial policy.

This is the first time this actual problem has occurred.  I would prefer to find the cause rather than resort to using other programs.

Regarding postings; I do not have the knowledge to execute them. Encore has been fine previously. Any problems have always  been

resolved as can be seen from past postings.

Another renamed Encore was tried again having the same Premiere Pro CS6 timeline edit. The usual build used.   Same result.

Preview ran without  a hitch.

A much longer previous video was re-edited prior to this faulty one. No problems burning DVD or BD discs.


Tony Carter
Joined: Oct 15 2000
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

Harry, I saw reference to IMGBURN  as a possible virus carrier. Do you have any thoughts on this?. - Slightly concerned because I downloaded a copy from a filehippo site.


H and M Video
Joined: Jun 5 1999
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

Hi Tony

Link in my post No. 3 is from the ImgBurn site.  Used it for a good number of years and so far no problems. I believe some download sites add various things like Adverts, or other browsers (ASK) and these are sometimes considered to be viruses as they are unwanted, PUP's


PC Specialist 3Gz Dual Core, Premiere CS3, Encore CS3, After Effects CS3, Matrox RT.X2, Panasonic HD HS-300, Z1E & PMW-EX3 Cams.
Now with a PC Specialist Quad Core i7-3770, 16GB RAM, 180GB SSD, GeForce GTX560 Ti Graphics Card, Blu-Ray & DVD R/W Burners and can't wait to set it up. Now up and running.  What a difference in Blu-Ray footage.

Tony Carter
Joined: Oct 15 2000
Re: Blu-Ray failure CS6

Thanks Harry.
