I wonder if anyone can give me some advice? I currently own a Panasonic DX110 (Same as DX100 but with DV IN enabled) and a Dell Dimension XPS 450, which has a 450Mhz Pentium 2 processor, 14.5 GB hard drive, 128 MB of RAM, 16 MB STB nVidia TNT graphics card, Turtle Beach Montego 2 sound card, DVD drive with decoder card and 19†Monitor.
What I wish to accomplish from the equipment I have, is to produce good quality edits of weddings, holidays, school plays etc.
The questions is, what capture card and software package would suit the resources I have, to satisfy my needs?
I have looked a the Bravado DV2000 as an option, based on the fact that it seems reasonably priced, you get the full version of Premiere and I have read that it performs well. However, there are other options such as the DV300. Advice would be greatly appreciated.
If you can afford to wait a bit I'd look at the DV200. There is some question of it coming with Premiere 5.1 LE but currently Adobe does not have a 5.1 LE.
I like the Bravado DV2000, It is infact a system that Truevision OEM'd from Digital Origin (Formerly a company called Radius) ((Sounds like Prince)).
Truevision is now owned by Pinnacle.
My caution is you could find yourself with a homeless product. I would imagine that Digital Origin might support these versions but there is no guarantee.
The DV300 is a good product, but it included a SCSI adaptor. This can be good news or bad.
It is clear that there is little reason to use SCSI drives with DV, so you have a controller that you may or may not want to use and Pinnacle still strongly suggests using SCSI with the DV300. It does Require two IRQ's and this have been the source of some problems in a pretty configured system.
SO for my money If you could wait I'd look at the DV200, and if needed upgrade Premiere from LE to Standard.
John Ferrick
I've been using the DV2000 for several months (Pentium II 350, 64MB Ram, two 8.4GB UDMA drives and Sony PC7 with DV-in enabled). It works really well. However, I recently got a Panasonic DV VCR and while the PC can capture from it, it won't let me record back from the PC to the DV VCR. I contacted Truevision and they said it was not a supported device, and it may or may not work! I contacted Radius who said they would only talk to me if Truevision didn't answer. I sent them Truevisions answer and they said it was currently an un-supported device and it may be included in future releases? I think that your Panasonic Camcorder may fall into this category, so you would need to check before you purchase.
Hope this helps
I would agree, if your camera is not on the list of supported devices beware. I use my NVDX100 ok ish but that may not mean your 110 will work.