I have an early intel al440lx motherboard with the 8.4Gb limit imposed on bios. The bios is flash upgradable and I have the update.
The problem is I have a 12Gig drive c: which is currently recognised as an 8.4 by the bios. As I understand it when bios is updated and it recognises the full 12Gig the current partition will be unafected, leaving 3.6 gigs as a new partition.
Can anyone cofirm this, or will the contents of my drive c be obliterated in the process.
And before you say -- yes there is a backup.
I can think of no reason why there should be any untoward effect.
The only time something ugly is likely to happen is if you try to make use of the the extra space and do something wrong.
That said, I've never been in precisely the position you're in, and I'm only talking theoretically.
Bob C