Thought this might be of interest - and not just to folk who'll be in the vicinity of Chicago on these two dates. Bob C
Chicago Final Cut Pro Users Group announces May and June agendas
Charles Meyer, Senior System Engineer for Apple, will be the keynote speaker at the May 25th Chicago Final Cut Pro Users Group meeting, held the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Adler Planetarium, Chicago.
Meyer will kick off the monthly meeting beginning at 6:15 PM, answering the three top questions Final Cut Pro users have about the new, but yet unreleased version of Final Cut Pro 5. With so many new features available in FCP 5, and a limited amount of time to delve into each, Meyer will tailor his presentation to those topics that the CHIFCPUG membership would find to be the most beneficial.
Also on hand will be David Sallak from Midwest Media Group, Schaummburg, Il. David will demo that the all new FireStore FS-4 DTE (Direct to Edit) Technology is no longer a dream.
David will present the reality of Focus Enhancements' FireStore FS-4 with the Sony HVR-Z1U HDV camera at this meeting. You will experience the need for speed when the acquisition of HDV takes a fraction of the time spent capturing from tape, leaving you with additional hours of creativity in Final Cut Pro.
Admission is only $5 for non-members. Annual memberships are available at the door for $50. Raffle tickets are free to members and $5 for non-members.
Doors open at 6:00 PM. Metered parking is available on the street, and there is a public parking lot available for member use. CHIFCPUG web site is here.
This is the complete program for Wednesday, May 25th
* 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM - Stump the Gurus - members from the audience try to stump industry experts with questions about Final Cut Pro software
* 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM - Apple's Charlie Meyers on FCP 5
* 7:15 PM - 7:30 PM - Break (visit our sponsor tables) * 7:45 PM - 8:15 PM - Taking Your Editing System to the Next Level without breaking the bank
* 8:15 PM - 8:40 PM - FireStore v4 and HDV, the first DV disk recorders with Direct to Edit (DTE) technology designed for hand held camcorders. Only FS-4 combines a small, rugged and shock proof chassis with full DTE technology performance.
* 8:40 PM -8:50 PM - Members present their reels for public viewing.
* 8:50 PM - 9:00 PM - Our world famous raffle with prizes worth thousands of dollars. You can't win if you don't attend!
Preliminary agenda for June meeting
This will feature Todd Prives from GenArts, who will do a presentation and demonstration on the company's suite of Sapphire Plug Ins.
GenArts is a premier provider of visual special effects software for the film and video industry. Sapphire Plug- Ins extend the capabilities of editing and effects workstations by providing digital artists with a collection of more than 175 state-of-the-art image processing and synthesis effects.
June, 2005 Agenda (subject to change)
(Doors open at 6:00 PM)
* 6:15 PM - 6:30 PM - Stump the Gurus - members from the audience try to stump industry experts with questions about Final Cut Pro software
* 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM - Todd Prives, GenArts, demonstrates Sapphire Plug-Ins for Apple Final Cut Pro
* 7:15 PM - 7:30 PM - Break (visit our sponsor tables)
* 7:45 PM - 8:15 PM - A Closer Look at Motion 2
* 8:15 PM - 8:40 PM - To Be Announced
* 8:40 PM -8:50 PM - Members present their reels for public viewing.
* 8:50 PM - 9:00 PM - Our world famous raffle with prizes worth thousands of dollars. You can't win if you don't attend!
About the Chicago Final Cut Pro Users Group
The Chicago Final Cut Pro Users Group, with more than 150 members, is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the education and development of its members through the exchange of ideas, knowledge and experience.
We focus not only upon FCP software but on other video editing, compositing and authoring software/hardware in the professional video, broadcast, event videography and prosumer markets in the Chicago and surrounding suburban areas.
NB - the only contact I have for further info is email for Fred Pfeifer, president CHIFCPUG. Rather than post I'll let him know this thread is here, and see if he can respond to any queries posted.