derby bmx club

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Joined: May 28 2001

a short promo for derby bmx club

Joined: Mar 8 2009

Hi Stoo,
very solid effort. I felt it really captured the excitement of the event and the kids involved will enjoy seeing themselves especially in such a dynamic film.
If I have one criticism and it's only one, it's who is the female celebrity? this seems a bit tacked on and I'm not certain must casual viewers will know the relevance of the shot?
I love the faster edits and that interference effect you put on the club logo,

I found the video took a long time to load up

Joined: May 28 2001

Thanks for checking it out.
The female celebrity is a famous bmxer who has won the world champion ships about 7 times!. She was tipped to get a gold in the last Olympics but fell off.
The video is made for kids to inspire them to go to the BMX track in derby so its not really aimed at every one. I was asked to make a feature of the celebrity!

As for loading speeds! It’s on you tube so I guess that’s an issue with them it seems to be working ok with every one I no that has looked at it. It could be that there was a lot of traffic at the time you looked at it? I don’t know how to control or influence the loading speed on YouTube