Hi I have a couple of SCSI3 9GB but no room
in my PC. I do have a suitable external
box for them, but it has the old Centronics
sockets on it.
I need to replace them with 68 pin sockets
only nowhere seems to sell such things on their own, not even the Maplin catalogue.
Can anyone offer suggestions please?
Who ate all the pies?
Try Josty Linx Ltd, 01642 769000 for ANY computer cables, connectors, adaptors, plugs and sockets, etc. When I've used them they have always been VERY helpful - and for nominal charges will make up anything that is not to be found on thier very extensive shelves.
You may find it easier to get a cable with Centronix at one end and whatever you need at the other instead of wiring up a scsi socket/plug!
I've not used them since I became interested in video - but chances are they do everything in the audio/video cabling world, too.