I have Win NT4.0, with 2xP3 450m Processors & 512 megs Ram.
I cannot get Speed Razor to initialise and the board will not show a test card.
I have some patches from FAST, but these have not cured the problem.
I believe that a Wacom driver and Internet Explorer are conflicting with the card etc.
Anyone have suggestions on how to get this lot working??
Dave B
I am a DV Master Pro user with Speed Razor and have not had the problems you have described.
I have very little else on my machine apart from the editing hardware and software so have nothing with which anything else can argue.
I have found support at both Fast and in-sync to be most helpful as my own knowledge of computers is extremely limited.
Good luck with your problem.
Potential conflict is one possiblity, or the other is that correct order of installing card and software might have caused a problem.
Fast and Insync are good on support,
I'd suggest that if possible you try to go back to a clean system, install NT, get the latest service pack, then reinstall the whole lot from scratch.
Are you by anychance running a DELL system?
What I have seen here is that when the Majors build systems they have a set hardware configuration in the spec and so they really don't go thru the standard NT install (of Winxx) but have a standard image that they put onto your system. I have seen instances where going back and reinstalling NT or Win from scratch seems to work batter.
John Ferrick
Further comment:
It is also essential that you install Service Pack 3 first and then service pack 4 as Service pack 4 does not have all the fixes in service pack 3.
John Ferrick