I am interested in buying a dv raptor. and after calculating the exchange rate, buying in the states looks like a bargain. Has any one had any experience dealing with videoguys??, or any other company. What is the damage to my credit card including shipping and any other charges incurred.ie the bottom line in total cost. Finally how long do items take to arrive when ordered from America.
Yes, I too would like to hear if anyone has any experience of buying from Videoguys.
Hi Colin
I and a friend have dealt with Videoguys
First Class, unless they now have secure ordering on line they take credit card details by fax last example of order,placed on a Saterday delivered Thursday shipping is at cost,custom duty between 2%and 5% then vat
There is a small credit card charge something to do with buying in $ then charging your card in £ I would have no doubts about dealing with them again.as a safeguard i would e-mail them
to confirm suitable fo UK Prehaps get together with Tim save on shipping cost's etc
regards Charles
------------------PS You also have the advantage that the Duty|Vat are billed some 4 to 5 weeks after you receive your goods
[This message has been edited by Charles (edited 09-05-99).]
I am considering getting a video digitiser from the states because of the exchange rates but when I've contacted customs and excise they state there is no import duty to pay (apparently you have to get a bindings tariff) but you do pay VAT at the current rate of 17.5%. If you buy goods from Europe the only Vat you pay is based on the countrys vat. Hope this helps.
I bought a Canopus DV Rex from Videoguys in march.
I had them deliver it to my hotel whilst I was on a cheap short break in New York.
They charged 35 dollars 2 day delivery.
There is no import duty for computers and periphals when bringing back to the UK.
You only have to pay VAT at 17.5%.
(if you remember to declare your goods)
I bought my DVRaptor from VideoGuys. I ordered via the WEB on Sunday, Faxed them authorisation to make a dollar transaction on my credit card on Tuesday. Raptor dispatched on Wednesday, in London on Thursday and I'd to wait until the following Wednesday to for it to make it from London to my house.
Cost was ($599.99 + $75 carrage payable to VideoGuys) + (17.5% Vat payable on delivery +£10 additional fee (for collecting VAT) payable to transport firm)
I was surprised I didn't have to pay import duty because I purchased a VideoDirector Studio 200 direct from Pinnacle a couple of years ago and was charged 10% import duty + VAT + VAThandling charge. It still worked out cheaper that buying it locally when it finally appeared in the shops about 4 months later.
Forgot to mention. Videoguys offer a discount if you order on the web. The total price I paid for the Raptor was just under £500.
[This message has been edited by John Crombie (edited 14 May 1999).]