Even stupider problem? With ProKit 1.5.1 for Panther

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Joined: Mar 7 1999

That's the dangerous thing about using superlatives (is 'stupidest' a superlative?) - when you find something better or worse, you're stuck for a description (cos the previous description, of course, wasn't right!).

What do I mean?

Well, I've now hit what seems like an even more stupid problem that the "Stupidest! one I just reported (but managed to resolve) with Apple Soundtrack: http://www.dvdoctor.net/cgi-bin/ubb/Forum12/HTML/000909.html

This time, I'm trying to install ProKit 1.5.1 for Panther - which I was instructed to download and install when I downloaded the latest update for FCP 4 (and all the other associated updates, which I think I have now installed).

When I try to run it, at the final hurdle, I get this message when choosing which drive to install it to (the system drive, which is the only one that the installer doesn't have a warning against),
"You cannot install this software on this volume. This software cannot be installed on this computer."

I kind of presume that, somehow, I have this kit already installed. If so, I'd just like the installer to tell me this rather than being so very blunt and uninformative.

Anyone know how I can check if a version (earlier, later, the same, whatever) is already installed here?

Oh, and just in case this was also caused by an ID problem - like my grief with Soundtrack - I have already tried switching identities (and doing a reboot in between even), but to no avail.


Bob C