expereinces of i-book

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Joined: Apr 21 2001

I'm contemplating buying a number of i-books with 128mb ram and 20gb hard drives for video editing students. Projects are always between 5-10mins in length. I'd be interested to know of anyone's expereinces with the i-book and what software you'd recommend running on this system.

Joined: Jun 10 1999

The biggest drawback with the iBook is the monitor size. If you plan on using any complex software (FCP, Premiere, EditDV) be aware, that the iBook's single monitor will probably seem way too cramped. In my opinion, the most comfotable editing program to use with the machine is the one that comes supplied with it - iMovie 2.

There's no VGA output, so using an additional monitor is out of the question.

And if you're tempted because of the analogue video output, don't be. The quality is quite poor and has a big black border round it when you watch it on a TV or record it to tape. The analogue output only mirrors the desktop, and can't be used to isolate a video stream.

There are also no headphone or mic sockets (or analogue line-in if I remember rightly), so bringing in audio from anything other than DV or CD could be problematic.

That said, for quick cutting and rough decision making, it's a good machine at a very good price.

For anything more elaborate, I'd still go for a PowerMac.



Joined: Apr 21 2001

Pete, thanks for your detailed response. Can the supplied software "i-Movie2" generate an EDL? If not, is there a simple bit of software that one could run, that would give you straight cuts editing - with the odd dissolve and a basic titler, that could give an EDL?

Joined: Jun 16 1999

A friend of mine successfully edits video with a 366 MHz iBook with the standard 64MBytes of RAM - with virtual memory enabled! The iBook is also used to showcase his video edits via the AV port on a large screen using a projector. As Pete says the monitor is a bit on the small side, but using iMovie it is fine. The AV output is certainly usable, but for writing stuff to tape use a DV-in enabled camcorder hooked up to a VCR if the AV port doesn't satisfy.

You may want to consider a 400MHz PowerBook that is now on sale for around £1300 - there may be enough stock in the supply chain for you to buy some - PCWorld still has some for instance.

Adobe Premiere is an alternative but costs about £450 - although educational discounts may be available.

Steven Hood

[ O U T L A W : S D G ]

Steven Hood

Motion Forge

Joined: Jun 16 1999

The Mac rumour sites have word that a new iBook will be released on 1 May. Interesting...

Steven Hood

Motion Forge

Joined: Apr 21 2001

quote:Originally posted by s.hood:
The Mac rumour sites have word that a new iBook will be released on 1 May. Interesting...

Cheers mate. Incidentally, which mac rumour sites sould I keep an eye on?

Joined: Jun 16 1999

Steven Hood

Motion Forge