Fast Cap Video Scrubbing

4 replies [Last post]
Joined: Feb 26 2001

I have almost complete a video with 19 seperate avi files that play back in FASTCap playlist, however, the 19th segment will not play???

I get an error message that reads..

"FAST Playback cannot play the selected video clips because they do not all share the same video and audio format (#114)

I have not changed any settings and all files play OK without seg 19. And seg 19 plays OK on its own. I have rerendered this segment 19 several time (even tried calling it seg 20)

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

WIN 98
AV Master
Media Studio 2.5
256 RAM

Paul Cooper.

Paul Cooper
Bass Coast Sound and Video Production

Paul Cooper
Bass Coast Sound and Video Production

Joined: Oct 30 1999

Was the 19th frame an end title sequence? If so does it have an audio track attached?
This has happened to me and I just add a silence clip to it to cure the problem.



Joined: Feb 26 2001

Thanks for the reply Rob.

Its actually the 20th segment that has the end titles. The 19th has slow motion. The avi's for this were captured with only 1 field where as most of the project is captured with two. However segment 18 has a combination of normal speed and slow motion (1 and 2 field avi's) and plays back OK?

I will try to add a silent audio track anyway and see what happens.

Paul Cooper
Bass Coast Sound and Video Production

Del Coe
Joined: Dec 17 2000

When you run Fastcap diplay the info icon for the clips. This will show details of each clips format & audio qualities they need to be the same when played as a list.
Also was the clip saved in exactly the same settings as the others?
I always double check ALL the settings before I save each file.

Joined: Feb 26 2001

Thanks Del, I have got around the problem by dubbing the last two segments to video tape and re capturing. I then rerendered the last two segments and they played fine with minimal quality loss.

Thanks all for your kind assistance, I really appreciate it.


Paul Cooper
Bass Coast Sound and Video Production