Does anyone know of a software version of the FAST mjpeg codec that we can install on machines that do not have the capture card installed?
We would like to playback the video and possibly do some editing in Premiere 6.0. We will be compressing the final video to Indeo 5.11 codec for CD-ROM playback.
I don't know if it's any good but have a look at
It's a software m-jpeg codec that appears to support AV Master.
Thanks Paul but sadly neither the "2000" or the "V3" codec worked properly.
I am hoping that there may be another solution out there
You coold try Pegasus PicView. It's at But I doubt it will give better results then Morgan. (Much is depending memory and processor.
Grtx Robert
I mean PicVideo.
Thanks Robert but it does not have the same properties as the Mjpeg that fast saves.
I get the video playing half-height and the rest of the window is a lovely dark green colour!