FCP 2 available in UK

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Joined: Oct 10 2000

Does anyone know when FCP 2 will be available in the UK?
And what the upgrade price will be?

[This message has been edited by shirker (edited 02 April 2001).]

Joined: Oct 10 2000

It's now in Apple's online UK store for £200 incl.

Has anyone upgraded from version 1.2?
If so, any feedback would be appreciated.

Joined: Mar 7 1999

The full price, incidentally is £799, including VAT (and free delivery), and that was easy to find on the Apple store, but I can't find the upgrade price anywhere there!

Bob C

Joined: Aug 8 1999

Shame on you BOB!!!
1. From main page of The Apple Store UK
click on Apple Software
2. Scroll down to third entry from the bottom
3. Promise yourself to stop drinking ;)

[This message has been edited by Motionwerk (edited 04 April 2001).]

Joined: Mar 7 1999

Ah, right, you go to the link called "Apple Software", at the left of the third row down (rather than the one called, "Other Software" - which does, actually lead to the same place if you next click on "Apple software"), and scroll down past nine kinds of crap - including French and German versions of FCP - and there it is.

Obvious, really.

I do not want or need LONG pages in which the same product is shown n times (each with an identical image) for the n versions of each product.

WTF can't Apple get in some web designers who make life easier for visitors to its web site? Doubly so for its store?

In its store, a simple alphabetical listing of what you can buy would be a good start!

Bob C

Joined: Aug 8 1999

Your rage just made me nervous. But I have to agree - you are right.

Joined: Oct 10 2000

I spoke to Apple and they confirmed you need to upgrade to OS 9.1 + install Quicktime 5 (supplied with FCP 2).
Also, I get the impression from digging around that it is unlikely Apple will be able to just release a patch for FCP 2 to work under OSX.

Anyway, has anyone upgraded successfully to FCP 2? Is it buggy? Is it significantly quicker (Apple claim 30% quicker on single G4 processors)?

Feedback appreciated.

Joined: Jun 16 1999

I particularly like the thought of the RTMac and FCP 2.0 - although the price for the two seems way to steep as you can't buy them as a bundle just yet. No sign of the RTMac on the Matrox european store just yet, but sells for US$999 dollars - probably £700 when it gets here with no editing software! Compare that to the RT2000 that has a whole host of stuff....Then add FCP 2.0 for another £700 or upgrade for £200.

Steven Hood

Motion Forge

Joined: Sep 16 2000

It at the Apple UK store now. Go get it!

It around £650 excluding VAT

Looks really good and they are now selling the thing with RTMac card. well at the US store they are.


Joined: Mar 7 1999


What you say about RTMac being sold through Apple's US store may be true but, I can't see many people will ever be able to buy it - I certainly can't find it on the site.

I would also point out that the standard price of FCP will NOT include an RTMac as your posting sort of suggests.

Bob C