Apple have released Final Cut Pro 2. Available 19th March...groovy
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
And those who own the original can get it for a reduced price and if it's for education it gets reduced even more. :)
It looks to have some nice feature added, real-time ready and a proper VU meter.
I am confused as to what Apple and Matrox are doing. Final cut Pro sells on it own. To get the real time stuff you have to buy the RTMAC card from Matrox at additional cost. They are not going to be sold together from Apple or Matrox. Only independent retailers i hope will sell a complete package.
This is i think silly. For someone new FCP 2 with cost around £750 and the card with cost around £800. (pus a G4 to put it in) that's nearly twice the price of the PC version not to mention that you get lots of additional software with the RT2000. i think that Mac users are being hard done by.
The RTMAC should sell with FCP 2 at the same or slight higher price of the PC version.
I think that Matrox was the wrong company for Apple to work with. They are to PC based.
On the good side. The RTMAC give us real-time DV editing, (not just analogue)
S-video in/out and another monitor port.
On the down side I found out that in the motion tap in FCP all the setting can be done in real-time except motion blur :-(
Which happens to be the effect that takes the longest to render.
This is bad, as all the other setting don't really take that long to render on my G4 500.
People who want faster rendering would be better by something like the ICE card.
Another thing is that, why is Apple not releasing it ready for OS X.
I don’t know what Apple are playing at I just hope for there sake that they are planning a surprise. (Like free up grade s to OS X versions to people who have the old versions of all their software.)
On the matter of OS X. It will ship next weekend. Apple has built up an array of really good software - iTunes, iMovie 2. FCP 1 & 2, iDVD, Studio DVD pro. And as far as I know none of this is OS X ready.
I think it is a bad time to buy anything from Apple at the moment, OS X is not ready and it has no software. People are not going to by a new OS if there is no software. I also think that Apple with released OS X with programs like iMovie, iTune in the box.
I think that everyone should wait to see what Apple are planning, having said all this I will actually upgrade to FCP 2. Why, because it have features that I really need and it will only cost me something like £150 as I get I can get it from xemplar.
Does anyone else have something to say about FCP 2 Apple or what I have said? Let’s hear it.
I agree with you CJ. I have being thinking of buying a G4 with FCP but like you said, when is the right time to buy ? OSX, like any new OS will inevitably be full of bugs for about a year like OS9 was (and still is even at 9.2). A chap at Chicago computers in Bedford told me that apple are going to do a small upgrade of FCP2 to make it compatable with OSX, but like you said they do fart around at Apple don't they, it is for this reason that Apple will never come even marginally close to competing with PC, great shame. I here that Roland (as in music sequencers etc) are bringing out a black box stand alone NL editor, if it is as good as other Roland products it should be the thing to go for as far as DV editing is concerned.