File recording times

2 replies [Last post]
John Disdle
Joined: Dec 28 2000

I am naming video clips, and needed to see the date and time a clips recording. I have done this many times before, but now have a folder of files with the same time of recording which is impossible. It`s the same for any folder I open.

An example, is a folder where the first seventeen files have a time of  09.25. The next thirty files have 09.26.

I use explorer lite, and this has always shown time as H. M. S. now it only shows H. M. It`s the same with windows explorer.

A web search blames win 7, saying Microsoft has dumbed down windows. But I am wondering if an update is to blame.
So anyone in the same boat please.

Joined: Mar 7 1999
Re: File recording times

Strongly suggest that you check the health of your hard disk using CrystalDisk Info - get it here. Opt for the smallest, portable version (without ads) - 4.1MB in size and run it from an external hard disk or USB stick. If it finds no problems, then run a disk check on your C: drive. Here's a link that will tell you how under Windows 7.

Please let us know whatever you find.


Bob C

John Disdle
Joined: Dec 28 2000
Re: File recording times

Thanks for your reply Bob.

That`s a nice little program, but not sure what it all means.

I have three HDD. C is a 120Gig SSD.   This says “Good 100%”.

The other two drives are, 120Gig Maxtor, and 500Gig Maxtor both read as Caution with the following... 

Yellow ID 05  /Reallocated sectors count  /Current = 100. Worst = 100. Threshold =36. Raw value = 000000000001.  Third drive reads the same except for “Raw Value  = 000000000010

Disk check on both Maxtors is ok.

It appears that in windows, the Date Modified, and Date Created is reversed.

I copied files from the camera card to the PC over a short period, on 12/7/2015. This is shown as Date Created. The time is shown as 09.45, and is the same for every file in the first folder. Other folders have a time difference of about 1 min.

They were recorded 11/7/2015. This appears as the Date Modified with the real time of recording.

It looks like I am not the only one either.

Thanks again.  Not the end of the world, just annoying.