I have given up trying to get an answer to my problem from Maxtor or Apple so hope someone here can help.
I switch on the 40 Gb drive first and than the iMac SE DV. Normal boot proceeds up to the watch/clock symbol. The red activity light on the HDD lights up for about 10 seconds at which point the ckock symbol changes to the firewire symbol and the iMac freezes.
Press to iMac stop button until it goes off leaving Maxtor running. Restart iMac and there is a normal boot up and everything comes up on the desktop including new drive which then appears to behave ok.
In the system folder I have 'Maxtor Firewire Support 3.1'.
In the extension folder I have 'Fire SCSI Expert', Fire SCSI Maxtor Enabler','Firewire Enabler' and 'Firewire Support'.
OS is 9.0.4 and Firewire is 2.5.
I hope some-one can help
I don't know the Maxtor drive, but you may want to check that the ROM in your Mac is fully up-to date. Start at http://asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/n11817 and see how you get on.
By the way, what happens if you switch the mac on, let it boot and the plug in the firewaire cable to the Maxtor?
Pedro, I was using the Maxtor 80GByte drive with success and no startup mahoney. The Maxtor installer places those extensions in your extenions folder, except for the FireWire Enabler & FireWire Support which are the Apple Drivers. In extensions manager create a new set which is a duplicate of OS 9 All, then enable the maxtor extenions and restart - if the same boot problem occurs then I suggest a clean install of your system folder and more importantly an update to OS 9.1 - it makes a real difference to the performance of FireWire devices!
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
quote:Originally posted by s.hood:
Pedro, I was using the Maxtor 80GByte drive with success and no startup mahoney. The Maxtor installer places those extensions in your extenions folder, except for the FireWire Enabler & FireWire Support which are the Apple Drivers. In extensions manager create a new set which is a duplicate of OS 9 All, then enable the maxtor extenions and restart - if the same boot problem occurs then I suggest a clean install of your system folder and more importantly an update to OS 9.1 - it makes a real difference to the performance of FireWire devices!
I have found that the HDD mounts ok if I plug it in after normal boot so at least I can use it. I am somewhat apprehensive about upgrading to 9.1 due to the amount of flak thrown at on various forums. What is your view. If I proceed can I just get an upgrade or do I need all 70MB.