I am having problems with final cut pro. First my system, G4 500mhz, 512MB, 27GB HDD, OS 9.1
I am using a Sony TRV-900 camera.
I get DV IN on the camera. But FCP and another QuickTime application refuse to recognize that there is a camera connected. I had this problem before but it went away. But I can’t work out why my camera is not been recognised all of a sudden.
I have look at the setting and they all seem ok. I have used the basic OS 9.1 base extensions but nothing is working.
Can anyone help
I suspect that quicktime needs to be reinstalled - so try that first.
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
Thanks for that, but it has not worked. I reinstalled QT4. Still the camera is not being reconised. i don;t under stand why when it was work last week. it just stopped.
Any other ideas.
alrighty then - do you have EditDV/MotoDV or another DigitalOrigin product installed? If yes - disable all the extensions beginning with RAD in extensions manager.
While in extensions manager ensure that FireWire Enabler and FireWire Support are checked and QuickTime FireWire DV enabler/support also.
Secondly, in FCP preferences Device Control>protocol set to Apple FireWire Basic if Apple FireWire or vice versa. Shutdown, connect the cam, switch on and reboot.
Try another FireWire cable, its possible that yours is damaged. Check also that the FireWire connectors on the cam & the G4 aren't damaged.
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]