First attempt at Machinima

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Rob James
Joined: Jun 26 2001

I've been researching and playing about with 3D and machinima recently. (One reason I've been a bit quiet here lately. It takes a lot of time)This is my first real attempt using the free beta download of a new British application, MovieStorm.

If you can bear it please download rather than stream because for reasons I have been unable to determine it's a lot less jerky that way.

Rob The picture is only there to keep the sound in sync

Joined: Jan 28 2004
Rob James wrote:
I've been researching and playing about with 3D and machinima recently. (One reason I've been a bit quiet here lately. It takes a lot of time)This is my first real attempt using the free beta download of a new British application, MovieStorm.

If you can bear it please download rather than stream because for reasons I have been unable to determine it's a lot less jerky that way.

Very good Rob, like the twist at the end, does part two go into a full lesbian romp.

How does everyone find the time, at the end of the working day I'm so tired all I can do is sleep, not stay in the studio doing my own stuff?

Studio with green screen for hire near Gatwick Airport.
Kit hire facilities on site.

Joined: May 9 2005

I want part two!! I want part two!!

Christian Lett
Joined: Apr 26 1999

Hi Rob, I like how you did something different, in making a documentary about machinima (a term I'd not heard of before) and incorporating a review of the software you used. As for the ending, well I didn't see that coming (based on real events? :eek: )! Nice work. It must have been a real challenge/ball-ache (delete as appropriate!) to do all that lip-sync.

The software has a few issues that obviously need ironing out - I'm sure I saw one of your female cast walk through your character near the end?

Thanks for the link though; I can't see me using it to make an actual film with, but I'll definitely investigate this software for pre-vis and animatics (animated storyboards).


Christian Lett After Effects and Maya Artist

Rob James
Joined: Jun 26 2001

Hi Christian, the plot kind of grew as I went along. I was just going to do a short drama piece but didn't have enough of a plot. Hence combining doc style with a piece to camera and a very short drama. One of the reasons I'm attracted to this particular software is just how easy it is to get good lip sync. Basically you feed it a wave file and, crucially, a text transcript and it just does it. Very clever and the amount of tweaking in post was absolutely negligible.

You're quite right, there's no collision detection - yet! It's much too easy to make characters walk through things.

If you are interested in Previz and animatics then I think there is something much better.


It's a bit expensive at £330 but you can download a trial or buy an annual subscription for £110 which would count towards the purchase price if you decide to buy. I suspect it would also be great for Machinima but the characters are less developed and the scenery is a bit flat. However, the interface seems a lot more logical and well designed. The only catch is that you can only import 3DsMax models and then only from a plug in to 3DsMax.

The other one I've been looking at is iClone. This is closer to MovieStorm with much more atmosphere (including particles etc.) but the animation interface sucks.

Rob The picture is only there to keep the sound in sync

James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

If all else fails, throw a lesbo kiss in for good measure. What a load of sh*t!

Might be a nice bit of software for storyboarding though.

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Rob James
Joined: Jun 26 2001

A little harsh James for a very slight but touching story of a man whose wife has decided her proclivities lie elsewhere. Especially since this tale only serves as a cipher for the main event, a (very) quick look at machinima. I really am researching for an article and this seemed a reasonable way to experiment.

Claire, thank you for watching! Although I enjoyed doing this, it really is work, so that may answer your question.

Wicked, sorry, no part two planned. (At least not to the drama which is I assume what you are referring to ;)) I rather thought I'd leave them to it.

Rob The picture is only there to keep the sound in sync

James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

Don't get me wrong Rob, technically the piece was fine, and it wasn't an attack at you or any lesbians for that matter. I just feel that such scenes are used too often when people run out of creative ways to tell a story, and have to resort to such things to get people talking.

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Rob James
Joined: Jun 26 2001

Thanks for the response James. It may have been a little lazy but it really wasn't intended to get 'that' kind of response. I just needed a simple and quick plot with a twist to counterpoint the real point of the exercise, checking out the lip-sync and other capabilities of the software. Compared with the others I've tried it has a certain something. It's less 'gamey' than most but still tries too hard to appeal to that market with the result that the controls are often arcane to anyone who knows anything about making movies the usual way.

I'll post another experiment later. I'm really more interested in ways of incorporating cybernetic characters into live action without the pain, time and expense of heavyweight 3D techniques and this experiment will show you what I mean.

Anybody remember 'Max Headroom'?

Rob The picture is only there to keep the sound in sync