Hi Guys,
Last year I filmed a documentary about The Great Yorkshire Bike Ride, a yearly 70 mile bike ride that raises money for various charities. It has been broadcast on the community channel as well as being shown on the BBC Big Screens in Leeds and Hull. It's now available to watch on my web site - www.marks-media.co.uk/gybr.htm
I would appreciate any feedback you guys could give me.
Okay, so plenty of you have watched it. Hasn't anyone got any comments? Is it good, bad, anything?
Okay, so plenty of you have watched it. Hasn't anyone got any comments? Is it good, bad, anything?
Okay - I've just seen it for the first time. I do event and party stuff mainly and I wouldn't say you've produced a bad effort. On the contrary. The one thing I muse over nowadays is the playing of background music during dialogue. You haven't done so badly in that dirdction, keeping the sound not too intrusive and using quite clear speech from contributors.
I often wonder about the comments I read herein from some of our more qualified members about broadcast quality etc., yet my wife and I often are critical of those many so-called professionally done films which drown the real content, the speech, the most important part of the relevant scenes. To my mind you come out favourably in that direction....
I’ve just checked your documentary out.
This is what I think. Please don’t be offended I’m posting this because you’ve asked for people’s opion. It’s well made there some good shots in there its very good form a tec point of view. The sound is very good.
IM not a cyclist so perhaps I’m the wrong type of person to be watching it, I’m not form Yorkshire either. The doc is 18 mines long in my opion I think this is to long. Perhaps it could have been 10 mins?. Also it’s very predictable there’s nothing unique about the story there’s no twist.
In effect it’s an 18 min advert for a bike ride. If it’s just going to be an advert why not make it 5 mins.
You are oversly a very competent program maker technically I think its very good but it need to have more that just expected answers.
What I mean is it’s a charity bike ride, I expect to hear people giving up there time for free, I expect to here people enjoy it. This needs to have an emotional angel or it needs to have a unique story or it needs to be controversial. Or you need to spice it up visually.
Having said all that I do think that if you are a cyclist form that area or where in the ride you will like it. I don’t know if you no about a bike film festival that runs in the UK or not but here’s the address.
http://www.bikefilmfestival.org/ I think they would like to show it.
I don’t know why but the site id down at the moment, I can give you the contact details for the person that runs it if you would like. They have shown a few films I have made.
over and out