Hello ?

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Joined: May 22 2001

Anybody out there? Am I the only one still using te AVM98???. This board is getting silent.

That out of the way, can somebody advise me witch OS i should use if i want to use my AVM98 and Media Studio Pro. This is my problem.

1) Windows ME = Windows Much Errors. Not stabile.
2) Windows NT Does not Support DirectX after version 3.0.
3) Windows 2000 does not work with AVM98. (discussion closed)
4) There is not much info about Windows XP
5) Windows 98 SE seems to be stable and usable, but i dont know how long MickeySoft will continue development

Does any1 have some advise for me?

Greeting Robert.

Joined: May 1 1999

I also still use AV Master, running in the same system with a a DV Now card. I have stuck with Win98 SE.
My system is PIII 700 with 256MB Ram and 50 gigs of hard drive.