Help on a new system

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Joined: May 9 2001

My av master card was bought in 1999 and I am now looking for a new system that would work flawlessly with the card.

1. Currently Pentium III 866 is just at the right price in Thailand (where I am). It costs about the same as Athlon 1 G. Which would be a better CPU for the Job?
2. Mother board. With Intel chipset, Asus is widely available. But if I were to use the AMD CPU would Asus be a good choice?
3. Video card. Matrox is quite pricy in Thailand. I am not much of a technocrat in this field. But video cards that are widely availabd seems to come with a Geforce 2 chip. But the choices are 16 mb and 32 mb-- which is better? Matrox 16 mb costs about the same as Asus 32 mb. Should I be getting more mb for the buck (I confess: what is this mb thing?)

Please Help. Anyone got PCs in this range (PIII 866, Athlon 1 G or any rough equivelent- a few months from becoming antique but not the top of the line) --- If it works please give me a few tips on what AV master likes, Mother Board, Chipset, Video Cards.

Atleast please help steer me away from nightmare configurations.

Joined: May 1 1999

DO NOT get win 2000 or millenium...cos AV Master will not work with these operating systems