I want to burn an SVCD with my Mac G4.
I have Sony DV camcorder and with Astarte MPack and Wired Mux I have made two files:
XXX.mpv and XXX.mpa and with this two files
I have made XXX.mpg, but when I want to burn it with Adaptec Toast 4.xx to make a SVCD I can not because DATA window does not alow me to drag video file XX.mpv either XX.mpg.
Only allow XX.mpa Please can somebody help me. I posted this question on MPEG forum and
nobody answered. I hope someone will help me to solve this problem.
> Thank you for your replay
> turist-info@zg.tel.hr
Damir - the latest version of Terran Cleaner 5.0.2 creates Toast compatible mpeg-1 files needed for burning VCDs using Toast 4.1.2 However, I find it rather interesting that Mpack mpeg-1 files are not being recognised by Toast - as Toast recommends Mpack mpeg-1 files for VCD burning. Is there perhaps a Toast compatible check box in Mpack (like there is in Cleaner 5) that needs to be checked?
Try also creating a basic mpeg-1 file not the 2 seperate video & audio files.
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
Thank you Steven for your replay.
I have already burned VCD with Toast, but I am not satisfied with quality of MPEG-1, so I want to make SVCD, which means MPEG-2 codec.
I have readed a lot of sites, but I did'n find the answer. There are a lot of answers how to make it with PC-s, but not with MAC.
Anyway, thank you very much for your replay.
Sorry about my bad english.
Damir, Croatia