February 23, 2001 - 01:30
and titles. cos at the moment everything is looking pretty plain but any suggestions or how to do cool things would be appreciated.
thanks james
February 23, 2001 - 03:21
Er, you could try reading Steven Hood's comprehensive tutorial on this very subject, which will be appearing in the March issue of Computer Video (on sale next week).
Bob C (assuming that "Jamescartel" is not Steven's brother/father/uncle/best friend)
February 23, 2001 - 10:43
James - I picked up a copy of the mag this morning at my local newsie! Gogetit - I hope it helps
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
February 26, 2001 - 12:14
Ok thanks I'll pick it up today. If i manage to find a host to upload my edit (7.7meg) I'll give you the address to download it.