Inexpensive but useful 2-mic mixer

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Joined: Mar 31 1999

There are quite a few small mixers around these days with sensible features like XLR inputs and phantom powering. I was on the look-out for something small in size that would handle two mics plus some stereo ins.

After I'd checked out all the usual suspects I came across the Blend 6 by Tapco. This is an offshoot of Mackie and manufactured (as usual) in China (hence the price of just £42). It's got two mono mic/line channels with XLR (phantom) and jack plus two stereo channels and in addition CD/Tape in/out on phonos. All pretty standard- there are several mixers in this price band with these features.

The useful extras as far as i was concerned were

a) two Aux Sends - one pre and one post. So many of these mixers only have post.

b) Aux return with L/mono and R jack sockets - so you don't need a splitter if your aux return feed is mono

c) both of the stereo Line In channels have L/mon and R jack sockets so, again, you don't need a splitter if offering a mono feed to one of these channels.

d) Stereo outputs for Main, Contol Room and Headphones, all with their own level control. So often the Headphones out and Control Room out share the same pot.

e) the LED output level display, though inevitably small and basic, thoughtfully declares it's reference (0=+4dBu) and also defines the levels represented by each of the LEDs (many small mixers have no useful markings to say what their green, orange and red represent).

f) there is a separate aux return pot that feeds into the Aux Pre mix - this means that you can, for example, include effects like reverb in a pre-fader monitor mix.

It really feels as if the designers are users themselves and have the users in mind (perhaps they could give tips to the designers of Premiere Pro, Edius, etc ;-) )

My suppliers were a musical instrument firm, GAK.

The power supply came with a continental main plug. After a couple of emails, GAK sent a neat 13A adaptor which clips over the continental plug to make it UK-capable.

Ray Liffen

Z Cheema
Joined: Nov 17 2003

I purchased on from Maplins 6(8) Channell Alexis, with XLR and effects, bu the the real reason for purchasing was it also has a USB port so I can feed directlyinto the PC and back out as well if required.