Hi all
Is there some where in this group or on the web an installationguide available for installing AV Master software 2.5 in combination with Ulead MSP 5.2?
Thanks in advance
Johan van 't Wout
I don`t know where you can find both together. But re AVM go to www.dazzle-europe.com/m_us_set_support.html & checkout the info for AVM.
I have been using AVM for some years now.
To install AVM 2.5 over older versions the older versions have to be complelely removed including an entry in the registry for some reason the unistall wizard doesn`t remove this & when try to install a different version it comes up with an error.
I have found that you first need to install AVM first before MSP.
Get AVM up & running correctly.
Does you PCI overlay work ok. I found it to be a bit unstable on occassions.
I have just upgradeed my graphics card to ATI Radeon 7500 & the pci overlay is too unsatble so I`ve switched it off. I view via an old commodore monitor through the composite output. This also is what I use in MSP 5.2. You can use a tv as long as it has a composite (phono input0 or scart.
Once I have AVM up & running I then load in MSP. Takes a bit of time but it works.
You usually know it has all installed ok as when you click on msp & the prog. is loading you should get the powerplay icon appear.
I`ve rambled on a bit not knowing what level you are at.
If I can be of help come back.
Hi again
Have you been to this topic : http://www.dvdoctor.net/cgi-bin/ubb/Forum24/HTML/000064.html
A lot of usful info depending on what system you are running.