I have added two IDE hard drives to my computer system and have used both without problems for non-linear editing. However, somehow I must have changed some settings as I get jerky playback from video clips stored on either of these drives. I have tried the same clips from the C: drive and they work fine, so I'm really at a loss as to what I've done wrong.
(I'm using Premiere 5.1 and a Miro DC30+ for capture and editing). Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
I have a similar problem using DVRaptor plus an 8BG and 17GB Maxtor drives. No problems playing from 8GB but jerky playback from 17GB Maxtor. Using speed tester from DVRaptor both drives report at least 13MB/s read and write. Capture is perfect with no dropped frames. Suspect something to do with large drive support? (no difference under both NT4 SP4 and Win98. Very puzzled!
Have downloaded and run Dskbench with similar results for both drives:-
17 GB Maxtor - FAT
DskBench 2.11
(c) 1998, SESA, J.M.Catena (admin@sesa.es, sesa.es)
Timer Check = 991 (should be near 1000)
CPU Check = 50.05 % (should be near 50.00 %)
CPU index (relative to Pro 200 MHz) = 2.398987
Open = 0 ms
Write = 20079 ms, 12.75 MB/s, CPU = 1.60 %
Flush = 0 ms
Rewin = 0 ms
Read = 17235 ms, 14.85 MB/s, CPU = 1.88 %
Close = 0 ms
BlockSize = 131072, MB/s = 6.18, Tracks = 73.48, CPU = 1.25 %
BlockSize = 65536, MB/s = 5.48, Tracks = 65.16, CPU = 1.49 %
BlockSize = 32768, MB/s = 3.10, Tracks = 36.82, CPU = 1.68 %
BlockSize = 16384, MB/s = 1.57, Tracks = 18.69, CPU = 1.29 %
BlockSize = 8192, MB/s = 0.79, Tracks = 9.42, CPU = 1.09 %
BlockSize = 4096, MB/s = 0.79, Tracks = 9.40, CPU = 1.48 %
8GB Maxtor - FAT
DskBench 2.11
(c) 1998, SESA, J.M.Catena (admin@sesa.es, sesa.es)
Timer Check = 991 (should be near 1000)
CPU Check = 50.18 % (should be near 50.00 %)
CPU index (relative to Pro 200 MHz) = 2.401061
Open = 0 ms
Write = 20300 ms, 12.61 MB/s, CPU = 1.65 %
Flush = 0 ms
Rewin = 0 ms
Read = 17405 ms, 14.71 MB/s, CPU = 1.88 %
Close = 0 ms
BlockSize = 131072, MB/s = 7.06, Tracks = 83.95, CPU = 1.37 %
BlockSize = 65536, MB/s = 4.09, Tracks = 48.58, CPU = 0.75 %
BlockSize = 32768, MB/s = 2.92, Tracks = 34.68, CPU = 1.02 %
BlockSize = 16384, MB/s = 1.56, Tracks = 18.55, CPU = 1.02 %
BlockSize = 8192, MB/s = 1.11, Tracks = 13.16, CPU = 1.36 %
BlockSize = 4096, MB/s = 0.56, Tracks = 6.64, CPU = 1.18 %
[This message has been edited by Philip Lorentz (edited 19-04-99).]
Have you done a DEFRAG ?
This is a simple way of improving playback.
My problem with jerky playback has been cured by putting the AV disk as a master on the secondary IDE port rather than as slave on the primary. Speed measuring software reports the same result in both configurations, so it is worth anyone with a similar problem swapping ports to see if that improves matters.