Land Rover Owner Show 2006. Your Views. Good or Bad!!!

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Joined: Aug 22 2006

Hello all.

This is a short feature I did last year which was to be shown on the BBC Local TV service on Sky and the BBC website, but the service had reached the end if its trial before this could be shown.

Anyway, I've dug it out and updated the graphics and added some music.

I've recently been made redundant and I'm looking at going into business on my own doing short features for websites etc or if an employment offer come up in camera work or editing I'll probably take that.

Let me know what you all think of it, good or bad, I can take it!!!

Thanks for viewing.


foxvideo's picture
Joined: Sep 9 1999

Youtube is not doing you any favours, the quality is awful and there's a major problem with perspective/scaling. You need to encode it to WMV or Flash and host it yourself.

Wind noise on the interviews make it sound like an amateur production, I'd also consider using an experienced presenter - you just didn't quite cut it - sorry.

The music didn't do it for me either - too 'techno' for an adventure vehicle promo - Try looking at the AKM Speedworld royalty free CD.

I'm sorry you've been made redundant but if you're looking to make money from video clips for websites you've got a lot to learn very quickly!

I'm based not too far from you, if I can help in any way drop me a PM or email. We did a promo a few years ago for a 4x4 adventure holiday centre in Wales, if I can find it, I'll PM you with a link to the Flash file.

Dave Farrants Fox Video Editing

Joined: Aug 22 2006

Hi Dave.

Thanks for your comments. I know I've got a lot to learn.

I'm uploading a WMV version at the moment which is much better quality. I'll post a link when it is ready.

I knew the wind noise would be mentioned by someone. I only wish I could go back in time to re-record it. If I only had a Tardis!!! This has been resolved since this was recorded in August last year. We now have Sennheiser wireless mics and wind shield covers. Both have improved the sound quality greatly.

Being in front of the camera or doing voice over's is not something that I wish to do, but as this was done on a zero budget, I had to make do with what I had. If only I could have hired Jeremy Clarkson as the presenter.

Thanks for the info on the AKM Speedworld CD; I'll look it up on Monday.

Look forward to seeing the flash file if you can find it.

Thanks again.


Mike Pulcinella
Joined: Jan 30 2007

I think Dave's comments about the technical problems are on the mark so I won't repeat them. Besides, I'm at about the same level of expertise as you are so I'm learning a lot from this thread as well. I didn't think you did a that bad a job of presenting but it is a very difficult thing to do well and you might want to get a pro to do that next time.

My only problem with the piece was that it seemed a bit slow and a little dull. It didn't really hold my interest and I ended up skipping around rather than watch the whole thing. To be fair, I'm not a "car guy" so I'm not the target audience for a piece like this. Still, I think it could be jazzed up a bit. Different music and more dynamic videography and a livelier presenter (sorry!) could help. All in all it was solid and I feel you are on the right road to producing greater vids very soon!

Joined: Nov 21 2000


I quite liked it but maybe that is because I have previously owned a Landrover and always wanted to go to this particular show.

I do agree the flow of the video was a little bit slow and I don't think the choice of music helped that.

I didn't think you did too bad a job as presenter bearing in mind your target audience but, I do think you were right to invest in better sound recording equipment though.

As I said, I enjoyed it and thought it was a pretty good effort.

Cheers John

Ron Spicer
Joined: Jul 22 2001
JMCP wrote:

I don't think the choice of music helped.....

Cheers John

We at our little home have constantly criticised the films we have watched on TV, and otherwise, due to the "background music" interfering with the general quality of the film's sound relating to voice audio. We like to hear what is being said, clearly without any effort, and I consider this is where the production was mildly failing.

Further, quit often the low frequency of the commentators voice stands in the way of clarity and a good choice in that direction helps a great deal.

I spend considerable time trying to keep the quality of background sound sufficiently quiet, whether music or otherwise but especially music, when I'm editing because I find it so irritating with allegedly professional productions let alone any results shown herein.

Don't get me wrong in any way - I'm hardly qualified myself to be supercritical! Good luck with your efforts. Keep going.....and keep it quiet !
