David Mack emailed me with the following query. Anyone got any ideas or experienced similar problems?
Oh, he's using OS 9.1 and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 for Macintosh.
Bob C
Hi Bob
I've noticed the problem in the past but never reported it: whenever I
search the CV message board, with "Search All Open Forums and Archives"
selected, the search process starts but then stalls when it starts to search
the Forum/Archive "A/V Hardware". Clicking the "Click here..." option does
not bring up any results.
I can search the Forum/Archive "A/V Hardware" individually without problem,
the problem only seems to arise when "Search All Open Forums and Archives"
is selected.
Not sure if this problem is unique to me?!
David Mack
I've just tried this and it worked fine. I haave MacOS 9.1 and Internet Explorer 5. Perhaps its the version of Java you have installed. Apple Java (MRJ) is currently 2.2.4, get it here: http://asu.info.apple.com/swupdates.nsf/artnum/n11927?OpenDocument or you can visit the Java site at http://www.apple.com/java .
Thanks for checking Andy. I'm using the International English version Mac OS (Z1-9.1) and the most up-to-date version of MRJ is still 2.2.3 (which I have).
So it must be another problem. Now that I know it is just my machine I'll have to experiment.