Machinima with live action experiment

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Rob James
Joined: Jun 26 2001

N.B. This is purely an experiment! No artistic merit is intended beyond this.

Made with MovieStorm and Edius 4.5 it is also my first attempt at chromakey. I wanted to see if I could do a 360 degree dolly shot around an animated character then decided it would be fun to see if I could sit that into a live action shot. It's by no means perfect but see what you think. Once again, please download if you want the less jerky version. (No need to watch the whole thing unless you are keen, there's several versions of pretty much the same thing.) Yes, I know the sea is going backwards in some of them! Simply because, when shooting the live action I couldn't remember which way it needed to go. So I did it both ways and reversed the shots where it was going the wrong way. Ignore the sound, just the camera mic.

Rob The picture is only there to keep the sound in sync