I want to have a clip appear inside text, i have seen it done on premiere but i cannot seem to do it in final cut pro, i made teh text green and used "blue and green screen as a filter and tried lots of other stuff but to no sucess. Can anyone give me a walkthrough on how to do it.
thanks james
James you need to use the tracking matte compositing mode under the modify menu. Basically:
1> put the background clip/image on V1.
2> Put the matte image on V2 - this image defines which parts of the clip on V3 will be transparent, use a greyscale tiff or tga file created in photoshop
3> place the clip that you want to matte on V3 and select modify>composite mode>travel matte - alpha/luma and preview
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
ok thanks steve, ive had some success but i still need more help.
what i have basically is a close profile of someones face and i want to have just their eyes inside the text. o far i made teh text white with a black background but the image displaye through the text comes out black and white, what am i doing wrong and how do i resolve it?
James - sounds wierd. Are you creating the text in photoshop or in FCP?
In Photoshop create the white text on a black background. Flatten and convert to greyscale and save as tiff.
Import into FCP. Put video of eyes on V3. Put tiff on V2. Select video of eyes and modify>composite mode>track matte-luma. This should give you what you want.
Place video of eyes on V1. Select the image mask matte from the video filters. Double click the eyes clip, click the filters tab. In the settings for the image mask there is a small square icon - drag the tiff file to this icon to make is the mask.
render all - masked eyes!
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
thanks stephen that appears to be it.