This is the most amazing 13th Century Medieval Church called Fairfield, in the Romney Marshes.
It is fairly unique in that it has no graveyard nor trees, mainly because over the centuries it was frequently prone to flooding. Its worshipers often had to row in a boat across the field to visit.
Now its parishioners, together with the village it once served, are LONG gone. It sits alone in the middle of a desolate field amongst waterways and sheep.
I never intended to make a composite or seasonal comparison, but retrospectively, I think it looks quite 'other wordly', especially compared throughout the seasons.
Very nice indeed. Your music choice and pace superb, capturing the lonely desolation. The very first scene seemed superfluous and there were some audio cutting points that I'd have hit, but that's just me. I also thought the transitions slightly face-slapping, and wondered how simple fades to and from black would have looked.
Good one.