I have purchased a Vision Master 450 19inch Monitor which sits adjacent to a T.V. When the T.V. is on I get judder/flicker on the monitor screen on the side next to the T.V.The "techies" at Iiyama tell me that the problem is a clash of the signals through the tubes(crts) and that the answer is to move them apart by at least a foot. Sadly space is at a premium and this advice is not a practical alternative for me. I wonder if there is another solution e.g. placing a blocker between the two pieces of kit say a metal or perhaps a high density wood. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
You'll have to move them.
The special metal you need (Mumetal??) is, I'm told VERY expensive and impossible to work without it losing its special properties - though these can be restored by some incredibly difficult process that I forget.
Calling David Morton!!
Bob C
Bob's right, mumetal is the thing to use for total screening. You might however try a piece of sheet steel, or a chunk of cast-iron - either may reduce the interference to an acceptable level. The interference is mostly caused by magnetic fields, so any magnetic material should reduced it - hence iron or steel, not just any metal. The downside is these materials may cause picture distortion, even if they succeed in reducing flicker (lesser of two evils).
Richard Jones