Please can you tell me if this music track is appropriate!!!
I am not sure about it.
Is it appropriate............................er, I dunno.
Although I do catch your drift, as you can't help but expect the disco track to kick in (even with 10 secs to go). I'd advise that if you're in doubt in any way, don't use it as you may just find you were on the wrong side of 'er'.
Music is fine so long as the couple approve it but I would seriously question whether this is a production for the Bride and Groom or an exercise into how many visual effects you can squeeze into the first track just to massage your own ego - basic building blocks first, only then can you show off. (just my opinion after a very long hard day following another very long hard day)
I've said it before and will continue to say it, I believe we are in danger of trying too hard and succeeding only in producing the modern day equivalent of the page peel and spinning star kitsch that we all abhor.
How funny, thats how i felt! It was too haunting as well. Slept on it and have changed it. They gave me free reign on some music!!
Thx for your comments.
Thx, but i did not ask for a critique on my filming, editing style. I chose to ignore another similar comment you made once before, but i will answer you now.
Its your opinion if you feel that way. I know the basics thx and do not need you to tell me what they might be. If you think your productions are so much better..(.impression i am getting) post them here for me to see or give me a link. I will then make my own judgement of your critique based on what i see! Until then i take your comments with a pinch of salt.
I am not trying to boost my ego. I posted a question about the music, thats all!!!!
If you have a problem with the effects i use, then thats fine, do not use them on your productions!!!.....my clients love it....
BTW...for anyone interested in commenting on the MUSIC it has now been changed to a music track suitable for a Christian couple.
Nice to see a proper download that is watchable, rather than squinting at a tiny utube streaming.
As someone who has only done the occasional family wedding I am reluctant to get into something with people who do it for a living, but I would have thought that a wedding was the ideal time to use "over the top" effects.
When I see other peoples wedding videos, they do tend to be boring, but then I am not involved with the people in them. If I wanted someone to film a wedding, I would be looking for chocolate box art and not Ingmar Bergman.
From the time you use a bit of soft focus on the bride instead of going in and showing all the flaws that may be there you are setting the agenda.
As for transitions etc, Hollywood is always going to be at least one step ahead of you. So you have to either use them or not and my guess is that there are few complaints from customers about overuse of them.
BTW I thought it was good but won't be looking for it at the Oscars ;)
I think your work is fantastic, really like the last effect with the bible. Comon Robo lets see some of your work if think your so great.:rolleyes:
I`m not a wedding photographer as such, just the odd friends wedding and then as a back-up to the official one.
However I liked the music, and the effects (I thought the black and white to colour was a little bit overdone - my opinion only). I`m not quite sure how the sequence fits into the whole, but what I did see I enjoyed, and thought it well done. Dont take comments too seriously, the important thing is that you have come up with a good sequence and the proof of the pudding is if the couple enjoy it. Should for some reason they prefer something different then you still have the footage to re-do, and can ask what they would prefer of the finished movie.
Purely commenting on the music: it is a worship song, and as such can certainly be appropriate - it all depends on the couple. If they like that sort of music and it means something to them then they will appreciate it. It's their opinions that count! In addition, if you ignore the religious aspect of the lyrics (hard, I know), it could easily be a love song which, let's face it, does rather lend itself to nuptuals.
Flame, my comments re 'ego massaging' are withdrawn unreservedly, they were out of order and I apologies. The rest of my criticism stands.
As for the standard of my work, no, it's not good enough to put on this board, when I think it is I might consider it.
Re. the music, surely, in order, you have:
(a) the couple's active suggestions (they nominate some pieces),
followed by
(b) the couple's passive agreement to your suggestions,
followed lastly by (rare in our experience)
(c) the couple agreeing to give you carte blanche to choose what you want to use.
On the music I agree with Robo, Dominic and Mooblie.
It's first down to couple and if they leave it you, you need to be happy yourself.
I thought music was fine, but if you have doubts, I'd say don't use it - unless you are happy to do 're-cuts' after delivery for no charge (as discussed here http://forums.dvdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=42299&page=2) as you need to deliver with personal conviction.
On occasions I've telephoned close relatives for opinion of B&G tastes/sense of humour if I have doubts on scenes/music for inclusion and want to preserve a surprise element.
Thx for your comments,
The couple have given me 2 tracks for the whole wedding and specifically said i can put what ever music i felt apt. Its just the original track which i first liked,was quite haunting, yet had a wedding feel to it!
This has been removed and replaced with the Christian song which i am now happy with. They are Christians, so i am sure they will be happy with the music content.
Robo.....no worries! and thx for the apology...very humble of you. Just one thing though. If by basics you mean exposure....composition...white balance...focus...etc...which i call basics, then i still really do not understand what you mean!!!, but like i said, no worries.
As to the creative aspect, i am very pleased with it and my clients are always over the moon with the finished product. Just when i get situations with music content left to myself my head starts spinning:)
for some reason the link tries to play in winamp and wont so I cannot comment. Shame.
Hi Ray,
Have you tried opening windows media player, go to tools, options, file types, and left click select all....hopefully this should sort it.
How funny, thats how I felt!
Glad I could be of some help. :D
Hi Ray,Have you tried opening windows media player, go to tools, options, file types, and left click select all....hopefully this should sort it.
When I open media player it fills the screen even when minimized so the is no tools option in view.
If I open media player classic I get the options file,view,play navigate,favourites and help. but no tools.
I have managed to open it with media player. Sound ok but picture keeps freezing. I will keep at it.
I thought (and am at risk of being shot down as I am not commenting on the music) that you have managed to produce a film that gets very close to the American names who are occasionally deified on these forums - it looked very good within that genre of film.
Personally, however, I still struggle with a film that is about a wedding but for 3 minutes plus shows me umpteen shots of a church with lots of effects without actually doing anything with the people.
However, as you say, there are people who will love this and good luck to you.
Personally, however, I still struggle with a film that is about a wedding but for 3 minutes plus shows me umpteen shots of a church with lots of effects without actually doing anything with the people.
They got delayed on the 68 bus, but their coming.....;)
However, as you say, there are people who will love this and good luck to you.
Yes their are, as my diary for 2007, 2008 confirms!!!:) I always believe their is room in this buisness for many types of styles. I could get into the docu style type weddings,as i have done documentaries and showreels for presenters so have no problem with combining this within a wedding video. but as of yet even members of my family shy away:eek:
Sometimes I don't know if it's a good or bad thing when a couple give you freedom to pick the music; I've seen myself sit for hours fretting over music choices.
The music wasn't for me although the style was nice and suited the piece.
You can only go with your experience and what you've gleaned from the couple regarding their tastes and hope that this combined will result in what you want.
Thx for your comments Lusky.
I've seen myself sit for hours fretting over music choices
Yes it can be really frustrating!...I filmed a wedding in 2005 at St Mawes castle in cornwall where the Groom was an actor, and the best man was from Eastenders!!
I was given permission to put any music I wished on the final edit.
So I put the eastenders theme on when they were walking out of the church for a laugh:rolleyes: , but added it as an extra!
if you not sure the of audio will try using the alternative audio tracks on the DVD if your software allows I done it a couple of times now (assuming there is room on the disc)
Flame, here is the original version of that music and in my opinion a much beter version of a christian song. Not sure it works for a wedding though?!
Hi Nash,
Thank you for your recommendation. I will certainly try it and see how it goes, otherwise i shall leave the track thats on there now.
BTW, since my previous postings after Wickeds comments a few guests have arrived:D
Music's fine but over the wrong part of the film, a track like that suits faces not cutaways which is probably what your instincts are telling you.
Prefer the female 'lite' version of the song for a wedding.