Anyone seen these new i-macs (flower power & Dalmation dot blue) yet ? Take the top of range 600 mghz 40GB dv version and stick on another 128 meg of ram totalling 256, wack on EditDV and for £1500 for all that it looks like one hell of a great video editing package, how about a review on this totally up to date machine ?
How about persuading Apple to provide us with machines for review?
Are they realy that mean ? they loaned me one recently for a programme i did on disabled and pregnant women doing grocery shopping on the net (Tesco online), though they did only let me have it for 1 day.
[This message has been edited by Louis (edited 19 March 2001).]
From my experience, blood and stones spring to mind.
man Pete - I wish my stone gave a dual processor G4 and a 22" Cinema display!
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
I'm waiting for the DVD-R drive.
That's gonna ROCK!