Our new wedding trailer

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Joined: Aug 28 2006

Hi all...
just finished our new website with our new 3 min flash trailer....

all comments welcome!


Allister Gourlay - Nr. Glasgow Scotland

hedleyw's picture
Joined: Oct 3 2000

Hi Allister

Love the look of the website - quite different and very polished. One word of caution though - you are claiming an unequalled service - can you prove this?

Enjoyed the trailer, good images and camera technique but , for me, too many different effects. Each unto his own though, plenty of room for different styles :)

Hedley Wright Web design: brettvalestudios.co.uk/webdesign.html Follow me on Twitter twitter.com/bvstudios

Joined: Aug 28 2006
hedleyw wrote:
Hi Allister

Love the look of the website - quite different and very polished. One word of caution though - you are claiming an unequalled service - can you prove this?

Enjoyed the trailer, good images and camera technique but , for me, too many different effects. Each unto his own though, plenty of room for different styles :)

yes perhaps but its a trailer made up from many weddings...therefore the effects do tend to get a bit heavy, buy hopefully the prospective customers look at overall quality and content.

Joined: Aug 28 2006

"unequalled service"
yeah your right...thanks for the advice- got a bit carried way with that statement! Changed it!
To busy looking at USA wedding sites!

Joined: May 9 2005

I would also question how you know you are the 'most referred' company in Scotland...

Joined: Aug 28 2006

yes got you on that also again thanks for the heads up...Love the Dallas skit...

dave hinton
Joined: Aug 2 2006

I thought it was very proffesional !

Joined: Apr 21 2007
I would also question how you know you are the 'most referred' company in Scotland...

Are we not sometimes all guilty of this type of marketing!!!!

I would question many claims by many companys about who or what they are or can achieve, my opinion, but a valid one!

When a company claims to be the best...can they prove it!!!!

As for the trailer....its ok!


Z Cheema
Joined: Nov 17 2003

in the contacts page if you press HOME you get a blank page.
if you press home on the other pages you get the front screen, which seems pointless as that is not really a page.

It says trailers, but I can only see one trailer..

"we noticed that something was missing from Wedding DVDs...creativity!"
i can only say you did not look enough as there some very good videographers with creativity out there, unless you mean around your area..

Overall quite good and heading in the right direction for us all.

Joined: Aug 28 2006
dave hinton wrote:
I thought it was very proffesional !

thanks Dave!

Joined: Aug 28 2006
Flame1 wrote:
When a company claims to be the best...can they prove it!!!!

As for the trailer....its ok!


Flame yes i agree... and i have since reviewed my copy, got a bit carried away there :-) Thanks for your comments.

Joined: Aug 28 2006
Z Cheema wrote:
"we noticed that something was missing from Wedding DVDs...creativity!"
i can only say you did not look enough as there some very good videographers with creativity out there, unless you mean around your area..
Z Cheema wrote:
"we noticed that something was missing from Wedding DVDs...creativity!"
i can only say you did not look enough as there some very good videographers with creativity out there, unless you mean around your area..

Overall quite good and heading in the right direction for us all.

Cheema thanks for the heads up on the link and for your comments.

Over 3 years ago when we got into wedding films, i did personally feel that some of the films i got to see were all the same, no creativity, not all...but the vast majority, but i am only talking about my area, but in the last year i have met a few companies who are producing great work, and if i cant take a booking I am more than happy to refer the bride to them.

My goal is to make the bride cry (no catty comments LOL) and laugh when she watches the final product, and so far it seems to be working!

A "professional" videographer I met 3 years ago told me "i just edit in camera, its only a wedding video", that made me decide to branch into this market, to produde a quality product with creativity and fun that the customer would be happy with and that I would be proud of producing.

Z Cheema
Joined: Nov 17 2003

That's good to hear, a tear or a belly laugh is my sign of a good video, with emotions placed thought about during the edit.

Joined: Apr 21 2007

Hi Alibi,

Sorry, I was not referring to you personally, just in general terms! ;)

Hope that makes sense.


Joined: Apr 4 2005

Had no problem with the site but where on earth did you get that terrible soundtrack?

Joined: Aug 28 2006
Ikeuser wrote:
Had no problem with the site but where on earth did you get that terrible soundtrack?

thanks...trust me if works a treat for our bookings, and I like it..remeber we are in Scotland its the new Pocrialers single...

Joined: Aug 28 2006
Ikeuser wrote:
Had no problem with the site but where on earth did you get that terrible soundtrack?

Got any other suggestions for a song to use? im interested in your ideas!

Joined: Apr 4 2005

If the song works for you then fine but being a born and bred Glaswegian who has spent
over 30 years in London the "Gruesome Twosome" make me cringe with embarrassment.

Mind you a few years back I was getting a bit fed up watching family wedding videos with
Wet, Wet, Wet in the background.

As I said if it works for you, then great.

By the way you are the first Scotsman I have ever heard of who admits to liking them.
Are you related?

Joined: Aug 28 2006
Ikeuser wrote:

By the way you are the first Scotsman I have ever heard of who admits to liking them.
Are you related?

Wet Wet Wet ...god i know... murder, well we just use the Procliamers for that trailer, the words seemed fitting, and young couples up here just love it, you cant be choosy with other peoples musical taste. i had a couple who were in there 20's and wanted the Carpenters song "Close to you" for the first song on the film, when i heard it after all these years, I thought what a well ctrafted slushy pop song and it fitted the film at that point.
Actually that Proclaimers song is the only one that i like ... but god it beats James Blunt beautiful or that bloody Chasing Cars snow patrol!

Joined: Apr 4 2005

I see you are based in Airdie/Coatbridge. One of my wives came from Coatbridge and we had our wedding reception in the (I think it was) Monkland hotel in Airdrie. That was a few years back now. No videos then and only black and white photographs.

By the way I've only had 2 wives. My current one, also a Scotswomen, I call my current wife, just to keep her on her toes.

Joined: May 8 2006
Ikeuser wrote:

By the way I've only had 2 wives. My current one, also a Scotswomen, I call my current wife, just to keep her on her toes.

Don't be deluded, there is no Scots wife that can be kept on their toes. As I tell all my pals, I may wear the troosers but she picks them.
I mind my dad once thinking along the same lines as you wrote and telling my mum that she should remember that it was his name on the door. Her reply was that he could leave and take his effing door with him. It's their ruby wedding today, and I can honestly say I've learned the secret to a happy marriage from them...total subservience.

John Paul

Runaround Who
Joined: Jul 3 2007

I'm just puzzled about how you can edit a wedding film And be creative in 14 hours! To synch up a 2 camera ceremony and speeches and use the best shots from each usually takes most of that time. With all the special effect you seem to use too, do you really do it in that time?

Also surely you need a client to understand (and value) the time spent loading up the tapes, watching all the footage, rendering and the encoding that is part of the editing process and ergo what you are charging them for? Then of course there is the titling, cover and inlay design with printing, DVD face printing ... Are you on a different time scale north of the border?? I could do with a 48 hour day here in the Midlands sometimes!

www.electrafilms.co.uk Watching life and filming the best bits ...

Runaround Who
Joined: Jul 3 2007

I'm just puzzled about how you can edit a wedding film AND be creative in 14 hours! To synch up a 2 camera ceremony and speeches and use the best shots from each usually takes most of that time. With all the special effects you seem to use too, do you really do it in that time?

Also surely you need a client to understand (and value) the time spent loading up the tapes, watching all the footage, rendering and the encoding that is part of the editing process and ergo what you are charging them for? Then of course there is the titling, cover and inlay design with printing, DVD face printing ... Are you on a different time scale north of the border?? I could do with a 48 hour day here in the Midlands sometimes!

www.electrafilms.co.uk Watching life and filming the best bits ...

Joined: Aug 28 2006
Runaround Who wrote:
I'm just puzzled about how you can edit a wedding film And be creative in 14 hours! To synch up a 2 camera ceremony and speeches and use the best shots from each usually takes most of that time. With all the special effect you seem to use too, do you really do it in that time?

Also surely you need a client to understand (and value) the time spent loading up the tapes, watching all the footage, rendering and the encoding that is part of the editing process and ergo what you are charging them for? Then of course there is the titling, cover and inlay design with printing, DVD face printing ... Are you on a different time scale north of the border?? I could do with a 48 hour day here in the Midlands sometimes!

I capturing all the footage shot into my mac, i dont go thru each tape and select footage i like.. then the clock starts -

A) I scroll thru the footage cutting and edit the film into chunks and sections that look good, then time that to the chosen music. While the final rendering is getting done I create the DVD menu and create the covers and DVD artwork - print the onbody DVD's and covers, then encode the DVD and create the chapter menus, write the master and test it with a viewing on my big home TV, then voila its ready for posting B)

So from A-B probably 14-16 hours for a final 1 hour film, not including the capturing of the footage.

As for FX, we do keep them to a minimum, just that the trailer has a mixture from 8 different wedding films, and those 14-16 hours are split over 4-5 days while we are working on other projects.

Yes i can be creative in that timescale, been running my own graphic design agency for 16 years now and have a pretty solid workflow - and still make time to cut the grass LOL!

Runaround Who
Joined: Jul 3 2007

Phew ! Full of admiration for your organisational skills. Never doubted that you are creative having seen your trailer,but I still believe that you should count in the hours spent loading tapes as you are working, and too often clients believe that there is very little work involved and that therefore a film does not represent value for money. If you take 14-16 hours plus loading time then your website should count in the total hours you work on the film - including all printing and packaging. I may be missing the point but I still can't see any value to you on your site of minimising the time spent in completing each project. Maybe I am just tired after a busy weekend's work!

www.electrafilms.co.uk Watching life and filming the best bits ...

Joined: Apr 21 2007

I am quite amazed at that time scale as well. Depending on the complexity of the wedding and what the client wants, including viewing raw footage, uploading to hard drive, editing, label creation etc, it can take me anywhere from 30+ to 40+ hrs and beyond.....!

Good luck to you if you can do it in 14hrs.


Joined: May 10 2005

I agree with Flame & Runaroundwho (I know who that is :D !) 14 hrs for an edit? You're having a giraffe!!

Runaround Who
Joined: Jul 3 2007

Thank goodness Flame. I was beginning to think I was going to have to ask Jon why he was wasting so much time! Loading up all the tapes, watching the hundreds of tapes, synching up and editing ceremony and speeches before editing them takes all of that!

www.electrafilms.co.uk Watching life and filming the best bits ...

Joined: May 10 2005

Hey Runaround, now who's got loads of time on the forum?????:D

Joined: Aug 28 2006

Hey guys...we only shoot with one camera normally.
now that i add up capture and final encoding and creating the final artwork...mmm damn it is longer!

hey should we not be editing instead of looking at this forum? :-)

Runaround Who
Joined: Jul 3 2007

OK Cary - you got me fair and square! Serves me right for my tongue in cheek comment at the wed fayre yesterday. It was good to see you both yesterday BTW.

www.electrafilms.co.uk Watching life and filming the best bits ...