photo album frame

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delmartin's picture
Joined: Oct 27 2003
I want to create a sequence of stills within a video to make them look like they are in a photo album.  I want to make them like a PIP effect with either a plain background or moving video.  
I think I can handle the effect part OK but can anyone suggest a source of photo album or picture frames to use as a surround?  
Thanks in anticipation,
foxvideo's picture
Joined: Sep 9 1999
Re: photo album frame

Dave Farrants Fox Video Editing

delmartin's picture
Joined: Oct 27 2003
Re: photo album frame
Thanks for link, Dave.  I'm spoilt for choice but a couple of sights I've tried so far make life very difficult by adding lots of unwanted software downloads before you get through.  I've have had some success, though, and will persevere...
foxvideo's picture
Joined: Sep 9 1999
Re: photo album frame
OK, I use a Mac with several ad type blockers, Ghostery and other pop up blockers so I never get any of that - I just download what I want, apologies if the site causes you problems.

Dave Farrants Fox Video Editing