Photomontage - 1st one with slight 3d

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James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

Although I had much grander dreams for this, time was running out and I had to basically put it all together in 5 days. I put all my other work on hold, and simply got on with the matter at hand, just managing to pull it off in time before the Saturday night.

Yes, I got the Shrek & Superman idea from the other montages shown on this forum, but hopefully i managed to make them my own. Check it out!

i should add that I've done the photoboard thing a few times now, but adding a bit of 3D is new to me at this point. :D

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Joined: Nov 6 2001

Nice try James - not as slick as the others, but a very, very good start. I know these are a whole heap of work, but if the clients will pay for the time involved, its a winner!

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James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

Cheers Branny.

It's certainly not as slick as the others, but next time...........:D

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Joined: Jan 9 2001

Nice one James.
(Pity about the prat with the one finger gesture, but there is nearly always one, isn't there.)

There's only one eF in Ferguson

I now seem to spend a lot of time arguing with inanimate objects

James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

LMAOARAL - That prat is my 40 year old brother, who the montage was for! :D

It was a special photograph for me as I couldn't make it to the last family party. :)

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Joined: Jan 9 2001

OOPS. .....:o

I've got a brother like that. But he doesn't get invited to many parties.:p



There's only one eF in Ferguson

I now seem to spend a lot of time arguing with inanimate objects

James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

Laugh my arse off and roll about laughing....:D

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Alan Craven
Joined: Jan 26 2001
James lundy wrote:
Laugh my arse off and roll about laughing....:D

This is a translation from the original Gaelic, I assume?:D

Joined: Nov 6 2001
James lundy wrote:
That prat is my 40 year old brother, who the montage was for! :D

I take it you're the better looking of the brothers James?

Do not follow, I may not lead. Do not lead . . . I may not follow.

Joined: Sep 22 2007

nice work ! for a 1st timer, that was pretty fast to have done it in five days.

this theme from shrek is also one of our favorites. I've dug up from our archives one of our early works. I am sharing it with you in the wedding and events forum. photomontage V.

again, congratulations on this piece and I am sure there will be more to come.


James lundy wrote:
Although I had much grander dreams for this, time was running out and I had to basically put it all together in 5 days. I put all my other work on hold, and simply got on with the matter at hand, just managing to pull it off in time before the Saturday night.

Yes, I got the Shrek & Superman idea from the other montages shown on this forum, but hopefully i managed to make them my own. Check it out!

i should add that I've done the photoboard thing a few times now, but adding a bit of 3D is new to me at this point. :D

James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006
branny wrote:
I take it you're the better looking of the brothers James?

I'd like to think so. :p

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Joined: Nov 21 2000


thought that was excellent, well done.

Cheers John

Joined: Oct 9 2004

Great for a first attempt. I bet your family loved it. What software (or combination of) did you use?

James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

Cheer Edjer,

I used Photoshop CS2, Premier Pro 1.5 and After Effects 7. Photoshop & PP were the main applications, with After Effects being used for the 3D. I'd have used After Effects a bit more, but time was against me and I'm still trying to get to the point where I don't have to refer to tutorials with it.


WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Joined: Oct 9 2004

I know what you mean about having to refer to the tutorials, just got cs3 full suite and oh boy what a learning curve. I am used to photoshop but a complete greenhorn with premier and after effects trying very hard to learn them but have to keep going back to avid liquid to complete time critical work. Keep practising It looks lik you are way ahead of me, will probably be posting here a few times while I am learning the packages!!:)

Joined: Apr 5 1999

I'm impressed. This is something I intend to try for some family "albums". I have played around in AE with 3d so I am "sort of familiar" with that side of it, but largely inexperienced.

I assume the actual "photo board" was designed in photoshop, but what sort of parameters did you use (ie. size of board, size of photos etc)? and where did you get the pins from?

Does anyone know of any on-line tutorials that cover this sort of thing?


James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

Cheers Keith.

The photoboard was done in Photoshop, and all the photos were scanned at 300dpi. The pins I designed myself, and saved them as a seperate file for future use.

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Christian Lett
Joined: Apr 26 1999

James, a nice montage. If I had to offer any crits, it would be that the start and end of some of the movements were a little harsh, both on the camera front and when pictures move onto the board. But I bet it got a great reception from your brother and the party guests.

With a bit of practice you'll be doing your photo montages entirely in After Effects! For that kind of work there's no alternative. I'm sure you probably already know about Andrew Kramer, but if you don't check out the amazing tutorials at his site, Video Copilot. He's done some basic training too, which is pretty good for the beginner, or as a refresher.

You'll never look back!

Christian Lett After Effects and Maya Artist

Joined: Nov 6 2001

I've seen Andrew Kramer's tutorial work before - he's ace!

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Joined: Mar 21 2001

Well done James.

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Joined: Nov 6 2001

Just watched the magic glass tutorial - one I hadn't seen before and it's brilliant.
The authentic details that help create a realistic looking scene is made to look easy.
It's not, but this guy's work is so fluid and helpful in his descriptions, it's worth the time spent watching to at least follow and understand the basic tool guide.
For me, it's the realism that defines the best of these masterpieces.

Do not follow, I may not lead. Do not lead . . . I may not follow.

James lundy
Joined: Dec 14 2006

Thanks for the CC Christian. I always appreciate people taking the time to provide some info that can help me raise my game.

Regarding Andrew Kramer, I've seen his stuff and even purchased a couple of things from him. However, it's about time I visited his site again for another look.

WIRED - HAVEYOUBEENWIRED.COM & also a blatant cheap promotional link. :D

Joined: Apr 21 2007


I think it is excellent. you should be very pleased with it and rightly so. My only concern is how long this will take to do!. I have been messing around with after effects for a few years now, and have done some wacky videos with it!
