June 3, 2013 - 17:21
Is there a way to print files which are saved on a cd to check which are repeated and to delete them?
June 3, 2013 - 21:45
Re: Printing CD files
Probably easiest to screen capture and paste the resulting picture into something like a word document. Alternative is to use the old DOS command (from run CMD to bring up a DOS window), switch to the cd drive (cd X:), then dir > c:\temp\list.txt to produce a text file in the c:\temp folder which can be edited / printed.
June 3, 2013 - 23:30
Re: Printing CD files
Copy the CD to a folder on your hard drive, Windows will soon be asking you if you want to copy duplicate files over from your CD, as long as they are copied to the same folder
If there are subtle differences in the file names 'Sort' in Windows Explorer, by Name, Date Create, Size etc etc.
Re: printing, a vey old programme called XTREE could be print file names http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XTree
Maybe there's a clone that still does it?
June 27, 2013 - 18:20
Re: Printing CD files