I am new to the group, so please be patient, if the issue has already been tackled. :)
I run the video editing system on
Windows NT4.0 Sp6a
following problem:
installing AV Master 2.5 (build 0022) over
MSP 6.0, which is recommended bei FAST/DAZZLE
installs a DLL mlplay.dll with 109 kb form 01/07/2000
with that DLL AV Master runs.
Openeing MSP 6.0 is also fine (with powerplay logo) and works, but if you
try to use the file selection box, you get
the following error:
C++ Run time error; veditor.exe, abnormal program termination.
exchanging the mlplay.dll with the version
96kb 16/06/2000
brings veditor to life again with no problems in the file selection box.
But now AV Master does not start with the error:
mlAVIPlay_GetDLLInfo entry point could not be found in mlPlay.dll
Fact is:
The system did run smoothly.
I do not know which installation of what moduel/program has somewhere overwritten an important file.
What I did, was the following:
I did install the security roll up package
which changed a lot (if not all) in the NT 4.0 system;
I installed IE 6.0
But as I did not test my system direct after the installation, I am not sure, whether this is the reason.
Has anybody any ideas what I could have done to my system??
Many thanks in advance