Quicktime 5.01 is now released, however, it can only be installed by people with QT4.1.2. If you check for a newer version with QT5p1 2 or 3 then it will not tell you there's a new version. So, either get 4.12 back or wait a bit longer. Also, if you have QT5 rt wich is installed with Final Cut Pro, you can't install this either, it says the download is invalid.
Ho Hum.
Get it from the private are of Apples info site at http://download.info.apple.com/private/qt/us/mac/QuickTimeInstaller.bin
Andy - I downloaded your link and its a QT4 installer. So I tried an update from a Mac with QT 4.1.2 and it said there were newer files but didn't download a thing. I tried another Mac with QT 5 preview 3 and did an update - it downloaded a newer QT version 5.0.1b11aa public preview. Is this what you have also?
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
The Quicktime 5.1 installer is now on the Apple site.
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
Be aware also that you need to buy the Pro key again for £21.43 from the appleshop - registration keys for V3 or V4 do not unlock all the Pro features of QuickTime Pro.
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
When I checked this afternoon, the only version of QT5 available for download was the N.American English version.
The site said that "localized" versions would be availble "in May".
Bob C
Bob, I have the international english OS and I have not had a problem installing QT5 (or any other US update)
Steven Hood
[ O U T L A W : S D G ]
International version is now available:
I already had the US version 5.0.1 installed and found the International installer didn't replace it, so I dumped manually:
QT folder (in Applications folder)
QT Settings (in System/Control Panels)
QT Extensions folder & 7 other QT Extensions (in System/Extensions folder)
QT Strip (in System/Control Strips folder)
Both QT Plug-Ins (in System/Internet Plug-Ins folder)
Both QT Plug-Ins (in Applications/Internet Explorer 5/Plug-ins folder)
then ran the installer, and these were replaced by Z-5.0.1 versions.
Don't know what (if any) difference these will make though.
I'd love to see something definitive about the pros and cons of folk in the UK using the US English version and the UK English version.
From a conversation I had with Oren Ziv - who is Apple's top marketing man in this field in Europe - the suggestion seems to be there is no significant difference in the two versions.
Supporting that view, I've been running the US Windows version of 5 and it seems to be just fine.
And, Steven Hood's experience on the Mac looks to be much like mine.
Anyone able to look a bit more closely at this area and let us know?
Oh, and I've just noticed that the download for 5 now looks to be a complete self-contained (9.3MByte) installer.
Apple has dispensed, seemingly, with the two-part install routine (first download an installer controller program, and then download the components that were picked when running the installer controller).
Bob C
[This message has been edited by bcrabtree (edited 26 June 2001).]
Good points. I also wonder about the differences. There would seem to be no point in Apple spending time and money developing IE versions if there is NO benefit compared to AE versions. But maybe they didn't spend much time or money. If the two versions are essentially identical then the 'modification' would be cheap. So maybe it's just a marketing ploy (to humour us Brits, Aussies etc.)?
I notice that the QT Player QTV menu option still gives "Favorites" and not "Favourites", so not even superficial changes in the IE version!
Don't you have any contacts in Cupertino who could enlighten us all?
I just de-installed my US English QT 5, and re-installed the UK English QT 5.
No noticeable difference anywhere - even the "About Quicktime" boxes before and after BOTH show the version as "5.0.1" - i.e. no "Z" prefix or anything.
You will see the Z-5.0.1 classification if you select the file in Finder and Get Info.
Apple have now released QT 5.0.2 - of course in US English only! Ho-hum.
They have reverted to the 2-part installation process (Bob) - first download the installer from:
then running the installer while connected to the web updates QT files automatically. I installed over my IE QT 5.0.1 and found 16 of the 37 files had been updated to 5.0.2, the other 21 remain Z-5.0.1.
There doesn't seem much point waiting for an IE version to be released.
Thanks for the tip.
I just downloaded the Windows version and, that, too, is a two-part download. I'll go get the Mac version another time.
The installer is better behaved than I remember it being - the second download (the 9MByte part) is installed into the same folder as the installer, so that should mean you can run the two again if needs be.
Up until recently, if you needed to run the installer again (under Windows, anyway), you either had to find where Windows had stored the big file (in a temp folder somewhere) and move it across to the same folder as the installer, or just run the installer again, and download the big file again.
The version I've just downloaded does report itself as 5.02 and, during the setup process did offer to be able to be set QT Player as the default program for what I took to be MPEG-2 files (shown as MP2?), but I declined.
However, my new 5.02 QuickTime player can't open MPEG-2 files whether I drop them on the player or try to open them from within the player - which I thought was one of the new options. I don't think that the choice I made about the default option is the reason for this. If it is, then the installer doesn't work the way it should.
Bob C
If you trust Apple, the best way to get the upgrade is to press the relevant menu item in the QT Player. It then only installs the parts that need changing and lessens your download time.
When you get it, have a play with the Sorenson 3 codec (SV3) which is simply astonishing. It happens that I had spent most of 2 days optimising a friend's 70sec showreel at 356x224 frame size. The best I could get with SV2 Developer Edition in Cleaner was about 4MB with all the VBR and 2 pass bells and whistles. This was nearly as good but a gnat's softer than MPEG1 @ 15MB. (to be fair this was 25fps vs 12.5 for SV2)
QT 5.02 arrived, and a simple (therefore CBR) SV3 encoding proved to be almost equal to MPEG1 at less than 2MB!
If you don't have Cleaner, you'll need to buy the Pro version of QT.