A couple of projects I've been working on. As always and comments good and constructive would be very appreciated.
where are they?
Dont be so impatience he stated a couple off project. Those are the new trailers in writen format.
Sorry forgot the links:)
If that was just a exercise then i would say very good outlay and playing around with some effects fit well for the project.
otherwise i cant say anymore.
Did you also check the shorter edited versions and the off road vid?
I asked you a question and i did not see the other versions. I only was interested how you put the video over and as far as i can see you did a good job.
But what was the aim of the project?.
Sorry misinterpreted your post. The main aim was to capture the photoshoot and use the footage to further increase the exposure of the models. To try and put over another side of there personality because they do get a hard time generally. Then sell the package in the future.....hopefully.
Hi Cameraboy
Looks like you've put a lot of hard work into the videos you've made - well done!
You asked for some constructive criticism, so here goes:
Hate to put this as my first point, but its at the forefront of my mind - your music is really annoying! Obviously thats just personal opinion, but you use the same sort of clubby music in all your videos and its extremely boring. In my mind, it doesn't add anything to the piece, if anything it makes me want to turn off as all I can think of is being extremely drunk in an overly priced bar.
For the model pieces - What was the 'other side' of their personality? I really didn't see much personality, just a bunch of girls being made up, taking their clothes off and having their pictures taken...
Liked some of your effects on the piece, thought what you did at 0'48"-0'49" and 0'53"-0'54" worked well, on the other hand wasn't a fan of most of the other cheesy effects like what you did at 1'13", 1'20"-1'22", 1'26" etc.
Would encourage you to be more imaginative with your shots - you did a lot of pointless cuts in your editing - what's the point of showing a shot, then jumping to another shot which has been taken from 2 inches to the left? In my opinion, there wasn't enough variation in the shots to warrant the jump and it came across that you were short on material. Think this could have been remedied if you had had a clearer idea in your mind of the story you were trying to tell with the piece. (ie are you looking at what it takes for the girls to be ready for the photoshoot (in which case it would have been nice to have seen more shots of them preparing/arranging themselves before/after/during the shoot, including a variety of angles and shots, seeing them fuss with their clothes/body, building their confidence up before stripping off, etc) Was it the process of the crew preparing for their shoot (then it would have been nice to have seen who was taking the photos, how they were working, what angles they were taking, how any lighting was being adjusted, at what point new make-up was applied, etc). Or was it a combination of the both (in which it would have been nice to see how the entire group interacted to form a completed piece). Basically I feel there was a lot you neglected to tell the viewer - think 'what will this do to enhance my piece?'.
As a final note, I like that you've started branding your videos with marclucasmedia.com but was disappointed to see that you haven't actually got a website up. Noticed the domain has been purchased though - so hopefully its you who owns the rights!
Hope this advice helps but appreciate we seem to have completely different styles in approaching things so you may or may not find it of relevance to you.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the comments the first line started really well then it just got worse:)
There was a main video, which was the longest, that had a track produced (by myself) and the two other backing tracks where slight variations of the same track because I thought it would be pointless producing separate backing tracks for edits of the same video. Thats why they sounded repetitive.
The whole project was the first time I had done anything like it so it was not really thought about to much insofar as it was a learning curve in process situation. I was the sole cameraman there and because there were three girls I couldn't be in more than one place at a time. The girls paid for the photographer not me so I was just invited there to get footage wherever I could so I could assemble some kind of demo. The day was so fast paced that I couldn't get enough variation because many things were going on at the same time.
I do take your point in some of the cuts and I do know that when I do it again there will be a lot more variation.
The main idea around the videos and the end concept is to produce a video to promote the models not necessarily show the finer points of the shoot like you mention in the lighting etc thats why they are the main focal point.
I do take your comments on board and appreciate your honesty. I have bought the domain and am trying to design my site as we speak!
I watched your first off-road vid and I'm sure the drivers would love their DVD copy though they might FF through the other blokes. Your big problem here is that the most watched program on the Beeb is Top Gear, and if you see any of their hair-raising drives you'll realise it isn't really about the machines, it's about the people. Frightened Mr Slow, silent Mr Stig and so on.
There's the voice over (or yell-over because of the noise), the intercutting of many pov cameras inside the cab, inside the wheel arch, on the bonnet and on the track. There's set-up shots in slo-mo and far better drivers in far better vehicles that aren't going sideways because the cameraman that's strapped in and is hanging out the back needs to keep the star in the car in his sights.
So you face tremendous competition, in the same way I do when the public are able to watch 'Don't tell the bride', with its setup pieces and many thousand dollar budget. But you've given it a go and added spice with your snappy effects, hand holding and fast paced edits, so well done. As I say, your close-knit market will be well pleased to have you on board, and will be very keen for you to strap a few helmet cams here and there for the next shoot.
Thanks Tom
I did actually know a couple of the drivers thats why I was there in the first place. It was just another learning curve for me I feel that the more different subjects you film the better you get....well I hope! I have indeed given them an edited copy for themselves. As with any new situation I went into this blind and didn't know what to expect. I will do things differently next time and hopefully it won't be so windy!