Sample wedding clip

4 replies [Last post]
Joined: Apr 21 2007

A clip from one of our recent weddings.


hedleyw's picture
Joined: Oct 3 2000

Great stuff! Lovely camera work though I'm not sure about use of the tog's armpit as foreground - I prefer the camera/head. There seemed a bit of a jump cut on the couple in the car and, for me, the special effects were a bit ott but that's just a personal thing.

Thanks for sharing - I'm sure the b&g were delighted.

Hedley Wright Web design: Follow me on Twitter

Joined: Apr 21 2007

Thx for your comments hedley. Yes the effects are personal. My clients love them, so I give them what they want. I have booked many weddings for this alone, work it out!!!.

Your right. That clip in the car is slightly erring on jump cut...been looking at it at the time of editing. I will just insert a cutaway to soften it. I'm always messing around with what material I have.

Thx again


Mike Pulcinella
Joined: Jan 30 2007

I always enjoy your work Flame. I like how you intersperse a little fast motion here and there. The only thing I didn't like is how all the arriving guests were noticing the camera. I hate when that happens but there's not much we can do about it sometimes.

Joined: Apr 21 2007

Thank you Mike,

Your comments are always appreciated, and you have been the source of much encouragement to me!:)

Yes I know what you mean about the guests. I always find it fascinating how we all see things differently.....which I think is great.

Ultimately this is my style, and while it works for the clients I will not change it. I think being open minded and flexible is the key....if they want effects, let them have it..if not..leave them out.

Kind Regards.
