Just finished a short film for my course, and here's the result;
YouTube version: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=7pV4RR4hZjw
Better Quality WMV (Note: Still not super quality as the original is 500mb in size, and this is only 30 odd mb): http://www.fortvir.net/gallery2/P3U_videos/shivinski/A+Shrouded+Dream+_low+res+version_.wmv.html
Shivinski, it would be interesting to know what the technical specs of your production (eg, camera, post processes etc) were and what was the actual exercise set.
Whilst I didn't really get the narrative, there were a number of shots I loved. In particular I liked the opening shot of her eyes. The colouring you have done is very filmic and it's consistent throughout.
I look forward to hearing more about the "making-of" process.
Very mysterious . . . What's that all about then - a kip, a walk in the woods, a snapping twig, another kip - I didn't get it!
Nice film quality and choice of dramatic music though.
very nice it reminded me of the the ring (2000)
Well...to be honest it isnt really about anything...the narrative is completly abstract, and I didnt intend it to be anything major.
I used a Panasonic NV-GS400 to film it and Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 for post...the actual theme for the short film we had to make was "Figure and Identity"...but to be honest, if your clever you can blag any film to be about that :)
You had the right theme for your project, but the wrong ending. In my way of looking at it. Try and leave your audience too believe what they have seen is plausible.
He is a idea for end shoot. Girl opens eyes and she just wakes up in her bedroom. It was a DREAM.
In general not bad, got a bit irritated with the black fast fade outs.
Like i keep saying this is only my opinion.
You had the right theme for your project, but the wrong ending. In my way of looking at it. Try and leave your audience too believe what they have seen is plausible.
He is a idea for end shoot. Girl opens eyes and she just wakes up in her bedroom. It was a DREAM.
In general not bad, got a bit irritated with the black fast fade outs.
Like i keep saying this is only my opinion.
Thanks for the feedback...in the next week or 2 i'm going to be making a final cut of this film, so i'll keep that in mind when i'm doing that...maby cut out some of the fading blacks, and possibly redo the last scene. And im also going to add a much better intro title :)
Do let us know how you got on. If this project was only a exercise, move on and learn from your first.
You may get all the feedback in the world but remember you have the last say. That is how you learn your craft.