A spell checker that works with FCP titles/texts?

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mooblie's picture
Joined: Apr 27 2001

I am inserting a limited number of subtitles in FCP - using the basic text generators. Anyone know of a spell checker that works with these?

Martin - DVdoctor in moderation. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

foxvideo's picture
Joined: Sep 9 1999

Creative Cow throws up Spell Catcher as working in all Mac programs - I've just down'd the trial to give it a go, something I've felt the need for on more than one occasion ;)

Dave Farrants Fox Video Editing

mooblie's picture
Joined: Apr 27 2001

Thanks, Dave - I'll give that a go too!

Martin - DVdoctor in moderation. Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

foxvideo's picture
Joined: Sep 9 1999

Seems to work reasonably well on a quick test project inside FCP using the text generator. I think it'll take a few uses to 'fine tune' the options. Categorise popped up both US and UK options but colour would only show the US spelling - the trial version only comes with US language - you have to pay for the program to get other dictionary options. If you're suspicious of your spelling of a word and you want to check it - you can 'look up' using the inbuilt dictionary, thesaurus or go to the online dictionary all from within FCP(S) to check a word. A very brief test, but looks worth the money if you're doing a batch of text or subtitles or have a dyslexic keyboard like I have.

Dave Farrants Fox Video Editing