My brother have been playing around with stop motion lately. Can you guys please watch our most recent video and tell us what you think? Thanks!
Clever and well executed but no real end.
I was expecting some kind of twist or payoff and it just didn't happen, it just kind of stopped.
As a device and demonstration of technical expertise its fine but it would have been much more impressive as part of a story.
I agree with Rob. Very nice experiment and a good example of what can be done, now you need to develop it into a complete little film.
Also, beware using an unlicensed U2 track on public webspace - music publishers have lawyers everywhere!
Keep up the experimenting.
Interesting mark,
The zoom in on the opening flower is just great, the painter, the confetti and the breakfast preparations all work very well. I'm less convinced about the exterior crowd and traffic shots. Maybe there is an optimum interval for these? Oh, and the clouds seemed too jerky (same problem maybe?)
Hi Rob, many thanks for the comments, its always difficult to know what time interval to use, lots of full memory cards of nothing happening or missing most of the event.
On this video I was after a "jerky" effect!!! Mark :)
Hi Mark, The more I think about it the more curious I become about how you did the zoom in on the opening flower. Did you do the zoom in post or shoot it that way? If you shot it, how?
Hi Rob, I would like to say I have a very steady hand but as it took around 48 hours [ one frame every two minutes] to shoot the flower, I'll have to come clean and say I did it in post.
Most of the time lapse bit were shot on a canon 20d digital stills camera with optional remote control. Thus you can do all the pans and zooms in post without losing quality.
Hi Mark, That makes a lot of sense but I did wonder if you just might have used some sort of computer controlled motion camera/zoom. I'm assuming you must have used a relatively hi res image to keep the quality up when zoomed in? (you can't really tell on Ubend)
Hi Rob
the res was something about 3000 by 2000 so theres a lot to play with